Thank you Enchant


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2005
First : excuse me for my english which is so bad

I would want to say first of all a big thank you to Enchant for the magnificent concert which they offered us in Headway Festival. It was a memorable evening for me (in my head, I am still in the atmosphere of the concert). This concert was really worth the movement and I regret having had no occasion to make one or two supplementary dates (the tour was short). It will be for the next tour in Europe if it is possible for me.

Thank you still for the concert, for your availability, your kindness, your cheerfulness on stage, your music and for everything.

I hope to have the occasion to see you again soon.

Thank you still Enchant
hey Veronique, were you that girl I met at headway that Ed told me you're french…*
Hey we got to stay in touch as well…*Send me a private message so we'll see how we can set it up…*

Yes you're right this gig was a real blast and I have to Say a big hello to Frank my Brazilian dude and his girlfriend (hope you had a safe trip home guys)
I will use this thread to thank ENCHANT for being the best band they are.

I don't know of any greater pleasure than returning to listen to the band after almost a year. I have actually forgotten how good 'Interact' and other Time Lost tracks sound ...

It's all those other bands hogging my attention and, of course, blasting my brain with MESHUGGAH and OPETH that caused this :)

ENCHANT - my fave band since 1995
hey veronique, no need to apologize for anything. :)

we were in aschaffenburg, germany. fantastic show! :hotjump: the guys are really nice and enjoy being available for their fans after the concert. we were able to take some cool photos, too. :grin:

thank you enchant for your music, and thanx ed for taking the time to keep up the interaction with the fans. :worship:
Not sure how I missed this one before.

All I can say is Thank You and are all VERY welcome! I remember talking to you Veronique, and your english is much better than my French. And I am at least 1/4 :) maybe more :) Headway was a memorable show, the people were fantastic, I hope we play the P60 again it was a great venue in a nice location.

Alberik that means a lot, thank you right back, and Patricia what can I say more than you say it so well. That show was incredible as well, there is something about that venue in Aschaffenburg and the people that come to the shows. They are special. Yes we took some great pics, like that totally cool avatar you have, one of my favorites!

Hey taking the time is a pleasure, we are just lucky enough to have the best fans in the world!
That gig was really amazing, on of the best weekend of my life. See Enchant and meet the guys was like a dream for me (hey guys, you rocks!), I also met a lot of great people like Marcel Coenen and my french friend ZeDan (prog-rock and football specialist). You should do again every year...
Fraaaank my man ! :wave: At last you joined us ! Awesome !
Let me introduce you to the board. We met this guy Frank at the Headway Festival. He came all the way from Brazil with his lady to see Enchant headlining the fest ! Now for this He rocks BIG TIME :rock:

Ed's going to be happy to see you on the board !
let's rock now ! :rock:
Frank is the coolest! Came all the way from Brazil and gave me the shirt off his back, really I wore it for the show :) proudly!

Now we all need to go see you in Brazil at some huge festival! Like brother Dan says Frank make sure you join us here often man.
ebass said:
Frank is the coolest! Came all the way from Brazil and gave me the shirt off his back, really I wore it for the show :) proudly!

Now we all need to go see you in Brazil at some huge festival! Like brother Dan says Frank make sure you join us here often man.

:tickled: i would've loved to see that! and visit a huge festival in brazil as well. ;)
I glad to read that Ed. Next week Dream Theater will play here and all the tickets got sold out 2 months ago, and its gonna be 2 nights with more than 5.000 people each day. This shows that the Hard-Rock and Prog still very popular here! But, I'm not completely happy with this gig, 'cause I wanted to see you guys playing here together them!
Um Forte Abraço.