Thank You Everyone


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
Thank you so very much to everyone who came and supported us Friday Night. We had a blast! this one was extra special being that is way really right in our backyard. I think it took us all of 20 minutes to get there from our studio in Oakland across the bridge. How sweet is that! We are usually flying across the altantic or the country for these so this was really nice to be at home.

When you look out and see the faces of so many totally cool people that are fully into your music and enjoying themselves it really has a huge impact on the overall experience. I looked out at one point during the middle of the set when things were sounding most excellent just locked in a groove and thought wow…. This is indeed the coolest!

The venue looked to be close to full maybe the most people I noticed during the two nights. It looked to be around 300 heads to me. Thanks so much to the people who were in attendance.

David, you are the MAN, you did an incredible job on this one bro, your heartfelt introduction was so cool, it really kicked us into another gear and was such a moving factor. You hit it out of the park with this and made it possible for us to play not only one but two great shows within 6 weeks. And .......really have taken big steps to put the Bay Area back on the map for the metal and progressive rock scene here again which a ton of people are so very thankful.

I can not remember a show that was so smooth for us, and sounded so good onstage and in the venue all around. Cheers to having this at the Independent, the staff and crew, especially stage crew were spot on and did a great job. Of course having the amazing Tom Size mix our sound continues to be KEY for us, Tom is the best!

Bear you do so much brother, so many different things to make all the bands comfortable and have things run so smooth. Always willing to take the extra time to help anyone who needs it. And you are such a talented dude as well! So many people appreciate what you do, you simply ROCK!

Eric Boles, you also have done so much for these shows along with band mates in Timeline and not only very talented but some of the very best people around! Thanks a ton again!

I thought EVERY BAND kicked MAJOR ass! I came back over for a bit last night and caught the first half of the show and was really impressed. It was such a pleasure to finally see and meet the Odin's Court crew especially you brother Rick, you are the best. Eyefear was a very pleasant surprise, great band! It was very cool when D.C went up and belted it out with them! And as usual Zero Hour did what they do, amaze us all! And entertain in only the way they can! You katz are insano to coin one of Doug's best lines.

It was especially gratifying to see the Guitars not Guns people so well received and a huge part of this! Barbara does such a great job with the organization and was a huge part of helping us with the festival! A perfect fit for this festival. This organization is special and now we have them firmly positioned for future events. This is a great cause so please continue to support this group everyone.

One of the best things about a festival like this is just bringing all these totally cool people together who support each other, musicians, fans friends etc! no matter what your taste may be or favorite you give the other acts the support and props they so much deserve for doing this.

Once again a HUGE thank you to ALL you incredible people who came and supported us! We are so damn lucky to have you all!

This one was extra special
Ohmygod, my cup runneth over.

Ed, what a great post. What a great show. What a great... everything! Your heartfelt appreciation continues to come across in everything you say and do.

Let the record show that I started the "DAVE! DAVE! DAVE!" chant!
Ed, it was really great playing with you guys we said last time, we had a chance to talk after our sets (unlike the Avalon) and have a bit of a party for ourselves!
We're really looking forward to the possibility of doing some more shows with you. You guys are completely spot-on live, every time. Great gig energy from all of the bands as well.
There are so many people to thank!

Of course, David for putting himself on the line and assuming the risk to put together a killer show - GREAT JOB! You are such a nice guy, and a hard/smart worker! It was great to meet you in person, and I look forward to seeing you out on the east coast. You have my number - let me know when you're in town!

And the guys in Zero Hour - we're all family, and they are the coolest katz around. Such nice guys, and their talent makes me want to give up music every time I see them; I just can't keep up. You rock for getting us in touch with Dave and helping us get to the west coast, and even more so for your generous and giving manner! Can't wait to see you again!

Enchant totally ROCKED. It was cool to meet Ed and Sean in person - you guys were really cool and down to earth - hopefully we can do shows together sometime (an Enchant, Zero Hour, OC package would be killer).

Bear and all the rest of the staff - very professional. Given the tight schedule and stressful equipment situation, we had a lot of support and friendly help.

Of course: DREW! He's the man driving everyone around! 3 hours sleep over 48 hours? CRAZY!

And extra special thanks to all the fans and our friends who came from all over the country. There was a mix up with the ticket time, so we went on earlier than expected and many people missed us. :( But those who were there were very loud and into it, and it made us feel honored to play for everyone.

To everyone I forgot - thanks to you too!

Anytime, anyplace anywhere my friend.

Thanks again for the kind words and all your help. I am sure we can do just that sometime soon hopefully!

Ed, it was really great playing with you guys we said last time, we had a chance to talk after our sets (unlike the Avalon) and have a bit of a party for ourselves!
We're really looking forward to the possibility of doing some more shows with you. You guys are completely spot-on live, every time. Great gig energy from all of the bands as well.
Hey I just got back to LA an hour ago and wanted to thank Ed & the guys (along with Sharward, Viadragon, Rick and anyone else I might have pissed) for a KILLER time. I didn't know until the last minute that I'd be able to make it and everyone made me feel VERY welcome. (Special thanks to Dave for a great show, and a great time!) It was a special night, I'm glad I got to see it. I asked Viadragon if we could go to that Denny's after the show and she just laughed at me. :goggly:

All my best to everyone and to the band, THANKS once again! Eric
On my way back home to Sacramento, I spied the Denny's in Vallejo, and of course, I flashed back to that infamous Denny's experience!

Oh, wait -- I wasn't there! Geez... I've read the accounts so many times here that I sometimes think I was!

Great meeting you too, Eric! Thanks for the shout-out!

See? Look! The jacket! I told you! :)
I just to reiterate what Ed was saying; it's always so great for us to be able to meet with you guys and gals who have supported us for so long and Friday night was no exception. I met a lot of great people that traveled far and wide to see us play and I hope no one was disappointed. I myself had a wonderful time playing and listening to everyone at the show! I always try to spend as much time as I can in the audience, walking around and just being accessible to fans with questions, comments or just wanting a picture or an autograph. I hope everyone had as good of a time as we did!

Thanks to :notworthy Dave, Bear and everyone involved for making it a great time for all!

Until next time,

Zero Hour youtube clip of BARfest May 5th and big Thank you!!


We had an amazing time at BARfest and I can't thank David Hatchell for all his energy in bringing Progressive & Power METAL to the Bay Area. As I said in the past the Bay Area scene has been suffering for awhile with many clubs closing down and having some acts bypassing the Bay.

David is a real fan of music 1st......I remember seeing David storming backstage after Eyefear and DC Cooper doing a number together. David couldn't wipe the smile of his face, tearing up and he was just overwhelmed from that moment. That's what music is all about and David has nothing but love for the music and the fans of this music. YOU WAY RULE DAVID and Christina and I can't thank you for bringing us up on stage and giving us a weekend in one of my most favorite places....CAPITOLA!!! Yes David is that cool and lets please support the events he puts together, a kat who's in it for the right reasons.

I want to thank all the amazing bands who played on the bill. TIMELINE (My brutha Eric and the rest of the cool kats in this band YOU RULE!!!) Spocks Beard, Mob Rules, Balance of Power ( acts I wanted to see but I was in Vegas as you all know..I heard so many great things about how great of people Mob RULES were and they did an awesome set. Balance of Power and Corey just was hitting them notes, that's awesome Corey. Spocks Beard for closing a great first night at BARfest) Enchant and what can I say but that all these guy's so RULE!!! I just dig every member in this band and to ED and Sean you two are one of my fav-rhythm sections out there. These guy's just own and are just the coolest kats I have the pleasure of knowing. Doug, Ted, Bill you guy's all so RULE!! Doug has an amazing style and always hits the right notes. Ted what can I say just one of the best singers period. Bill you're one of the coolest kats to chat with and amazing work on the boards bro.

Day 2 Odin's Court who are just the best people you'll ever meet and KILLER players. These are all my bro's and like Matt say we're family. I've know Rick since the 1st ProgPower and it's so awesome that now we've done some awesome shows together bro. It was great for me to see you kats ROCK the Bay and I raise the Horns your way kats. Not to mention BARB AND NIKKI ARE MY METAL-SISTA'S...SO METAL!! EYEFEAR and let me say again some of the nicest kats out there and man did these guy's put together an awesome set. Hope to do some shows with these kats in the future and get back safe to Australia my METAL-BRO'S...YOU KILLED AT BARFEST. Crimson Glory who I always wanted to see and they did a great set. Jon Olivia's Pain and man these guy's are so kick ass cool. Thank you guy's for headlining the event and for giving us a great set. Man can that guitarist make that guitar sing and Jon is such a great kat. I can't forget to Ronnie of METAL CHURCH and DC Cooper. It was a pleasure chatting with both of you and you guy's are awesome.

Most of all I want to thank all our friends and fans for showing up to BARfest. YOU ALL SO RULE and we love chatting it up with all of you and hanging out. YOU ALL ARE THE BEST.....

To the awesome crew BEAR, HENRY, ERIC, PHIL, JOHN HOUGH and all the staff at the Independant who were awesome to us. If I forgot anyone please fogive me, we appreciate everyone for all their support.

Here's an awesome clip from our bro SHARWARD at BARfest. Thank so much man and here's the link for all of you to enjoy. If you dig it please leave us some feedback....

No... thank YOU!!! It was so amazing to finally see you guys live -- I was not disappointed and was all well worth the wait! Seeing you guys nail this stuff live with the energy and genuine enjoyment of playing further solidified my love for this band! To top it all off, you guys are so cool and down-to-earth! Thanks so much to Ed and Sean again for showing up Saturday night to show your support - you guys RULE!

Ed, you're playing and tone are both amazing! It was really cool when my GF, Barb, specifically recognized your skills. Quite a testament coming from a non-musician. You and Sean make up one hell of a rhythm section too! It was cool to see the interaction betwen the two of you!

Even though I have the DVD and have watched it many times, as surprised as I was from that to find out that Ted also played guitar, it didn't do him credit to show how good he really is! Doug always chooses the right note and I love his phrasing and tone! Bill did a great job too.

I hope to see you guys many more times and I really hope that you guys can find it feasible to do some shows back east. That would totally kick ass! After seeing your live performance I feel even more strongly that you guys would be a good fit at PP, but I;m not holding my breath. I wish that Glenn had made the trip out west to see you guys -- I think he'd then realize how amazing you all are! Keep it up and I also can't wait for a new Enchant CD!!!