Thank you from Redemption


Feb 11, 2002
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Hello folks.

We had an extraordinary time and want to thank Glenn and Jen, first and foremost, for having us back and continuing to put on this incredible event. Thanks to the crew, and to Kent and his production guys, for helping with the DVD as well.

And of course, thanks also to everyone who waited in line to meet us, stopped by to say hello, and/or cheered for us on stage. We had a couple of interesting technical issues...always seems to be the case...but the energy from the audience was so awesome that it was impossible to be anything other than fired up.

I will be thanking those who joined us all-to-briefly on Saturday morning via separate email.

We hope to play again at Progpower one day...until then, I'll be attending as a fan of the festival, its organizers, and its community.


And we'll be looking forward to seeing you again, brother. Regardless of the technical difficulties and the mysterious ghost in the machine that showed up when least expected, your set (both!) were definite highlights of the event for me... along with the food at Tomo. :)
Thank you Nick for your heart-felt writings. Your music touches my soul and the band's performance it something I would never miss. Glad and sad that "Let it Rain" was not played (if you know what I mean) in Friday night's set.

Hope to see you again soon.

It was a thrill to get to see you guys again. It's a shame that you're so famous now that we can't call for strippers and doughnuts at 3AM.......


No, it never happened, but it COULD have.........


But I DID get to hang with a few of your bandmates on Saturday night/Sunday morning, and they could not have been nicer. We really had a blast (Heather was in seventh heaven, btw). I was wishing that you could have joined us as well, but at least I got a few words with you in the lobby after the set.

Very happy to hear that you'll be joining us again, even if JUST as a fan.....:)

Thanks for being so gracious with your time and talents, and thanks for picking such cool bandmates!

See you next year! \m/ \m/
I was standing up front through Redemption's set thinking " I...not...already...a fan?" Seriously, I don't know which I am ashamed of more: missing the autograph session, or not owning any Redemption albums in the first place. Hope I get a chance to see them again when I know the songs and can headbang accordingly!
Nick - Redemption kicked butt! It was great to meet you again. I can't wait to see the look on my sons' faces when they watch Fall on You and hear the dedication. Thanks, again!