Thank you from Yakima


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2005
Ladies, you were nothing less than awesome tonight. Thank you for gracing our town with your presence. We've been needing a gig like that for a long time (and a big thanks to Grant's Pub-Yakima's new Saving Grace)

And thank all you beautiful rocker women for sticking around and signing my venue poster and CD. As I told a couple of you, the poster is getting framed. And it's going to hang in my office next to my signed Deep Purple/Thin Lizzy poster that I got last year. (I'm developing quite a collection)

Wanda, I couldn't take my eyes off you. Where you been all my life? You are an angel. Won't you be mine? I'll kiss your hand every day of the year. (And anything else you want) :worship:

Well, I gotta get up early and get to the racetrack. Wish me luck. I just wanted to take this chance to thank you all for sharing your talents with me. Well done.

With admiration and love
Brian in Yakima :rock:
Hello ladies, I would also like to thank you for making an appearance in Yakima. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I can't wait until you make back up to the Northwest again so yet again I can be amazed by the sound of metal, live!

And I also had trouble keeping my eyes off of you Wanda. You are all great people and I enjoyed having a conversation with all of you even if they were short.

Oh, and Wanda thank you again for signing my picture. Like you said, getting Steve Harris's autograph on that picture would be a great deal, but the chances of getting another meet & greet will be small. I won't give up and if I don't, at least I will have the second best bassist's autograph with it. You rock!!!

Once again Iron Maidens THANK YOU for bringing metal back to yakima. It is greatly appreciated! Please come back soon.


P.S. next time please tell your sound guy to turn up the mic, as good as the music was, it was overpowering the vocals...the main areas I did hear the vocals were the chorus's and what I did hear was awesome.
Wow Wanda, you were very popular! But of course, I know that it was those beautiful eyes of yours. Enough to melt any man's heart! You go girl! :worship:
Yes, our lovely Miss Wanda has that effect! :grin:

It was nice meeting you as well, Stone! It's always so hectic after the show and I never feel like there's enough time to just relax and chat with everybody - not to mention the adrenaline rush I experience for HOURS after a show. Maiden's music gets ya so pumped up! :rock:

I'm sorry to hear the vocals weren't as in the mix as they could have been. I had that feeling too cuz I couln't hear the house as much as I normally like to. Unfortunately, we can't bring our own soundman out with us and so must rely upon the kindness of strangers. :p
House sound usually works out reasonably well and sometimes quite brilliantly but you can always tell if the soundman knows Maiden - the understanding of the dynamic range involved is much better, plus they give ya the special effects!!!