Thank you Glenn

Glen , thank you very much for giving away the VIP pass for the Saturday night show. I was the winner and you were gracious enough to allow my wife to also share this with me. I was thrilled to be sitting in the VIP booth with Royal Hunt, Orphaned Land,Rob Rock et al.
I have one regret and that is there were not enough passes for the four other people we came down with: Troy,his fiance Melissa,Joel and his fiance Christina. These are the people here,aside from my family who mean the most to me. I cannot imagine my life without these METAL MONSTERS. Yeh, I'm gonna say it: I LOVE YOU GUYS. I will find a way to do something extrordinary for you.
This pass was so important to me because it allowed my wife (her first show, and my second) to see why Prog is the premier festival. She got to see first hand that the metal heads who attend are all above average in intelligence, integrity, and congeniality.
But Glen, again thank you so much dude. This was one of the most memorable expeiences of my life. I owe this to you and your generosity.


Mike(rockme53) French
This was my first PP and it was so much more that I expected. The bands were just incredible and I don't know how you get so many great bands to travel so far, but I guess it's the reputation you built over the years for this event. The only thing better was the fans and workers. These were some of the most intelligent, interesting, fun, and nice bunch of people I have ever hung around with. I think that is a big part of what keeps people coming back.

For me, the only things that could have made it better is (1) adjust the stage lighting so that it does not point directly out to the audience and blind them for 5-10 seconds at a time at certain points in the show and (2)if this really is a no-smoking venue, tell the guys in the lighting booth (I think that is what it is) that it is no smoking in there also. We were sitting in the middle, up towards the top underneath some sort of room and it reaked of cigarette smoke and I would see clouds of smoke coming out over me occasionally and that sucked.

Overall I will give the event a A+, but would love to see that smoke go away.

Thanks for everything and I am looking forward to Kamelot and the other bands next year!!!!

I personally can't stand bright spotlights at shows. What's the point of going to see a band if I can't see them? ProgPower is however one of the LEAST offensive shows in this regard; they put on a good stage light show without going too far overboard. (no strobes, no smoke machines, make me a happy show viewer) I got it in the face a few times but it was never too bad, and it's cool to see other parts of the audience periodically and gives the band a view.
Glen , thank you very much for giving away the VIP pass for the Saturday night show. I was the winner and you were gracious enough to allow my wife to also share this with me. I was thrilled to be sitting in the VIP booth with Royal Hunt, Orphaned Land,Rob Rock et al.
I have one regret and that is there were not enough passes for the four other people we came down with: Troy,his fiance Melissa,Joel and his fiance Christina. These are the people here,aside from my family who mean the most to me. I cannot imagine my life without these METAL MONSTERS. Yeh, I'm gonna say it: I LOVE YOU GUYS. I will find a way to do something extrordinary for you.
This pass was so important to me because it allowed my wife (her first show, and my second) to see why Prog is the premier festival. She got to see first hand that the metal heads who attend are all above average in intelligence, integrity, and congeniality.
But Glen, again thank you so much dude. This was one of the most memorable expeiences of my life. I owe this to you and your generosity.


Mike(rockme53) French

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy my friend.
Oh, And Mel and I love you too man.