Thank you Negura Bunget!


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
So, after 7 months of chasing this amazing girl around NY, endless dates, heartbreak and sleepless nights ... what does it take to get me to sleep with her????

Freaking n'crugu bradului :grin:

Let me elaborate for the enquiring ones and give some hope to others into black metal.

This girl is not into metal at all, she is the type that makes a face when I tell her about metal. But for some strange reason, I show her the Negura CD after a few drinks and no more expectations on my part, as she is the artist type, and the little leaf and packaging for some reason intrigues her. So she wants me to put on the disc. I warn her that this might not be a pleasant aural experience for her untrained ear ... but as we go into the second track, she says ... "This is great stuff ..."

And by the third track I am already exploring the mountains as the shepard is doing the same on the disc :)

I was so blown away by the whole thing, that I started laughing ... Negura playing, me with this fantastic girl ... I even told her that I will post this to the band today. :cool:

So, thought I share this and give kudos to Negura for the hard work on the packaging ... it sure helped me.:hotjump: I don't think the latest Metallica disc would have had the same effect :grin:

If this is not the ultimate endorsement of the disc I am not sure what is. :grin:
Rising Force

... very ironic title consiodering the situation ... hahaha

but then again so is n'crugu bradului, for those that know what it transletes into :)

Glad I am not alone Michele ...
fortunately, I do not need an amazing album to get girls to sleep with me, as they are so entranced by my uber-long man-meat. :lol:

cool story
as they are so entranced by my uber-long man-meat.
I actually use reverse psychology and tell them I am really small ... makes them wonder how small? :)
Lurch, i would like to use your amazing story for the promotional campaign of the album... can I?
I expect to see this in the Negura Bunget Review thread by tomorrow ... hahahaha ... although they might lose some of their "true" fans after this confession ... and remember, I am trying to help the band not hurt their career :loco: