Thank you SXSW!

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Hey everyone, we just returned home from Austin Texas, playing this years The End Records showcase at SXSW. Despite 4 of us in the band being sick with a touch of this black death going around, we had a lot of fun, and it was great to finally play Texas! A huge thanks goes out to the guys in Thine Eyes Bleed and Epoch of Unlight for sharing their backline, and Crisis and Lilitu we're also very friendly and offered to help us in any way we needed. A huge thanks to Andreas and JC from The End, who made this possible for us!

It was cool to finally meet Samantha (BlackWaterNymph) who was our guest this weekend (Hope we didn't bore you! Not much fun when we're all sick!). Some amazing people stopped by as well, from old friends, and we made some new ones as well. The lovely ladies of Kittie also had some very kind words for us after the performance, a band in which I have always been a fan of.

And for those who missed it...

The Pale Haunt Departure
Not the Strong
With Rue and Fire
Autumn Reflection
Lost in a Day
Dark World Burden

If you missed it, go feel shame now!
You guys are simply the best! Talent wise, personality wise, everything - I had a great time this weekend. I know you all were pretty puny the whole time, but it didn't reflect at all during the performance. ROCK STARZ IN DA HOOOOUSE, HOLLA! It was so awesome finally seeing you live, and of course hanging out. Sorry I got lost a lot, haha. Paul and Vito, you guys are the best, I have to come to Chicago soon and test out your so called Mexican food. Larry, Joe, and Brian you guys kick ass and I swear I'm not a deaf mute! Awesome show, amazing weekend, and thank you for everything.

I will start sending the bribe money to andreas and the end guys to set up another end records tour with Novembers doom and Lilitu along with agalloch(but then again, they are hard to pull out of the woods of the northwest :Smug: ).

Either way, there are some good diverse end record acts to choose from and Novembers doom needs to come out west. :cool: If not that, then have two guys dressed up as the blues brothers introduce the bands on the Usurper/Novembers doom- EVERY town is Chicago 2005 US tour :loco: o_O
you've always been a kittie fan???

congrats on the turnout and the oppritunity to play sxsw... alot of people i know have played it before and have only recieved the most positive feedback back due to hope thats yer case too.....
I have also always been a fan of Kittie. I think they get a bad rap from people. They're young and still have alot of growth yet ahead of them and I think they've grown quite alot just in the three discs they've released. And Mercedes is a huge HIM fan so I'm down with that. But anyhow...

SXSW was alot of fun, band illness aside. Saw alot of old friends and made some new ones. All the bands on our showcase were phenominal, and I seriously mean that. Sorry for anyone who couldn't make it out there and see it.