thank you troy tipton \m/


The Godfather
Apr 7, 2007

As a fellow bassist I thank you entirely.
I purchased the download of your progressive bass video and you .. so far are answering every question I had regarding arpeggios and have some great practice exercises on here.

You are a true talent and a new idol of mine. Horns up and thank you!
Hey Bass-Brutha!!!

As most people know I don't get on here much due to my arms but Jay shared this thread with me and I had to reply. I'm really STOKED to hear you found the instructional helpful and that it answered some questions you had. I really appreciate you taking the time out to write this thread and sharing it with everyone.

YOU RULE and thank you again.

I just bought the download version of this lesson also. Great work Troy, these exercises will have my hands hurting for weeks! The only question I had was on some of your right hand finger order. Right now I'm using a ring, middle, index, middle pattern that works great for single note stuff, but once I start doing scale runs and riffs that go across the fretboard I get tripped up. Can you suggest a better pattern by chance?
Thanks so much for ordering the instructional as well, BASS-BRUTHA!!! The hardest thing for me to get dialed was the right hand combination. When I play 2 note per string patterns (or 4/even patterns) I use my index & ring finger. If it's 3 note per string stuff I use index/ring/middle. The tough part is combining the use of two finger and three finger combos on the right hand. For example when playing DEMISE (from Towers) theres a unison lick my brother and I do together that starts with 2 notes on the E string then to 5 on the A string and finishing with one on the D string. I pluck the index and ring on the E, then I pluck index/ring/index/ring/middle on the A and then end with my index for the last note on the G. It sounds kind of weird but it totally works for me. I could never put the Jaco system of alternating the index & ring finger together well while playing 3 notes per string. It felt so weird to start on the opposite finger from string to string. How other bassists do it sooo fast with just alternating the two fingers on three note per string stuff
blows my mind. So that's why I use the index/ring/midlle for stuff like the modes and whatever 3 note per string combo. I always want to start on the next string with my index. Your method of ring, middle, index, middle is fine as long as your following that last middle finger with the ring again and then proceed with your method from the top. If it's ring, middle, index, middle, ring, middle, index, middle then that could get really weird for you to follow and trip you up.

I hope that helps and thanks again.

Awesome bro thanks! I'll try that fingering and see if it helps me out.

Zero Hour NEEDS to come to Chicago. Let me know if you guys need help setting up a show or finding bookers out here. I'll help hook you guys up as much as I can.

ahh the forearms are burning. is anyone proficient in the arpeggios department?
and the fact that these guys replied says a lot bout them. fuckin ace! I have been telling every bassist I know about this video