Troy to have Surgery late Oct/Early Nov... ZH pulls out of PP Scandinavia.


Dec 7, 2002
This is very tough for me to write as we deeply regret to say Zero Hour has to cancel the upcoming live performance at ProgPower Scandinavia. My brother Troy has been struggling with Tendonitis for many years and in the last year the pain in his Ulnar nerve and tendons have pushed him to his limits. Troy has already run up a large amount of medical bills this year. Having met the deductible requirements of his health insurance policy, Troy needs to have the surgery done (followed by 6 weeks of rehabilitation) before the year is up. Unfortunately this created a scheduling conflict with ProgPower Scandinavia.

I want to thank Claus of Intromental/ProgPower Scandinavia for being nothing but supportive towards our decision. Claus is a class-act and has done an amazing job with his promotions work (Intromental Promotions) for Zero Hour over the years. This was going to be our first time playing in Denmark and we were so excited to come play ProgPower Scandinavia. Claus has put together an awesome lineup as all the bands are very talented. We hope ProgPower Scandinavia is a great success because it's a great event run by great people.

We want to apologize to everyone who was looking forward to seeing Zero Hour at ProgPower Scandinavia. This is the first time we've canceled an event and never wanted to be known as that type of band. It's very hard to see my brother in the condition he's in and this is the best thing for Troy and the band in the long run. ProgPower Europe will be our last event of 2008 and we'll do our best to let you know the status of Troy and the band in 2009.

Really sorry to hear that. Please send Troy all my best wishes I really hope the operation gets this issue sorted for Troy
Thanks so much guys for your positive vibes. It's been a long battle with Troy's arms for many years. It would just be great for Troy to be able to play and practice without any pain. He's looking forward to feeling better and we'll do our best to keep you updated.

I got my protools studio less than a year ago and its been a great writing tool for me. Just been writing some very spacey material and Its been keeping me focus. This will be something released down the line and it will be waiting for Troy when he's ready to get going again. My brother and I wrote one ZH song but we won't push any further with ZH material till he's a 100%. It's not Zero Hour unless we're writing the material together.

Thanks again for everyones kind words and hope we have some great news to share in 2009.


Yes totally agree with you Jasun not Zero Hour withoiut Troy. Really wish Troy all the best and think if you get this sorted right means you can do proper tours so promote the band on a larger scale. Please keep us updated as to Troy progress
Ken and I were talking this weekend about you guys and we wish you all the best. I can't wait to see you guys in Barlo.

I'll get the chance to tell you in a couple weeks, but I'll tell you here too.


all the best, Troy. Jasun, I hope you guys will be able to do more in the future, We'll be waiting. I remember several years ago there was mention of this condition. I'm sure due to the brutally technical nature of ya'lls music, this has not helped his condition. Troy, you've been a trooper!!!! Don't let your desire to please us fans totally rip your arms off though, dude. Far be it for me to tell you what to do, but exploring alternative means of writing, production, or music composition may be warranted. Hang in there guys!!!! Ya'll rock.
Just heard about this yesterday. I'm at Prog Power USA and am missing seeing you guys. Best of luck with the surgery Troy, my hopes and prayers for a full recovery are with you.

I just wanted to tell eveyone thanks so much and it's awesome that I know everyone on this board....YOU ALL RULE FOR the very kind words and positive vibes sent Troy's way.

I just got back tonight as I was out of State for 10 days.... I always appreciate the great messages and it really makes Troy feel good too. He's a fighter and he wants to back in tip top shape.

YOU ARE ALL METAL and thank you all so very much.

I just wanted to tell eveyone thanks so much and it's awesome that I know everyone on this board....YOU ALL RULE FOR the very kind words and positive vibes sent Troy's way.

I just got back tonight as I was out of State for 10 days.... I always appreciate the great messages and it really makes Troy feel good too. He's a fighter and he wants to back in tip top shape.

YOU ARE ALL METAL and thank you all so very much.


Man I can't tell you how I am waiting to see you guy's again! I'll be there Saturday and Sunday and I am so looking forward to it. :) I have a zillion question and I will hold them until we meet again.

It's been to long buddy.
See you soon!
