Thanks from Halcyon Way!!!

Hey Guys we will always have your back. You really won over a lot of new fans, My daughter Mary included. No only did she think the music was awesome, but also the professionalism you show stepping in and making this one of the best showcases ever. I love you guys, and I am there for you, no matter what.
An outstanding performance from a band I can't wait to hear more of! Congrats to EVERYONE in Halcyon Way for an amazing set and thank you for having a cohesive band IMAGE! Nice job on the stage clothes, guys! I like the chains too. Looking forward to having you up in Minnesota soon!

Lemme guess... you guys are locals right? LOL I couldn't IMAGINE getting that request! Busting home getting your guitar, hauling ass back, throwing a setlist together, were you guys even warmed up in time? Has it been long since your last practice or gig? Cuz jumping on stage completely cold and unprepared musta been FRIGHTENING!!! HAHA! Awesome performance, awesome professionalism.
We had a blast up there and this was a dream come true for a long time PP attendee! Many thanks to everyone and their words of enthusiasm and encouragement. I can't thank Shane and co. enough for their faith in us! :notworthy

This was the pinnacle of a great year for us and we're ready to keep the momentum going through next year with the release of our album and the recording of our followup! Oh yeah, and do I smell a "Halcyon Way: Live at ProgPower DVD"? :heh:
Lemme guess... you guys are locals right? LOL I couldn't IMAGINE getting that request! Busting home getting your guitar, hauling ass back, throwing a setlist together, were you guys even warmed up in time? Has it been long since your last practice or gig? Cuz jumping on stage completely cold and unprepared musta been FRIGHTENING!!! HAHA! Awesome performance, awesome professionalism.

HAHAHAHAH!!!!! Yup, we're from the ATL. Here's how it went:

9:00 AM: Checking work email, getting caffeinated.
9:30 AM: Get the call from Shane on my cell: "Be ready". Panic ensues.
9:31 AM: Wet pants.
9:32 AM: Change pants.
9:33-1:00PM: Work.
1:00 PM: Get confirmation call. it's on like Donkey Kong.
2:30 PM: Band shows up at rehearsal studio - runs through set 1 time after setting up and etc.
3:30 PM: Band packs crap in panic
5:00 PM: Band shows up at venue in panic due to 90 minute drive of about 30 miles.
5:05 PM: Soundcheck in panic.
5:30 PM: Find dressing room, search for water, twitch.
6:29 PM: Wets pants again. This time they're leather so no one can tell.
6:30 PM: Curtain is history.

Oh, and how could I forget to thank Kadria from the band Inviolate for being the first thing that you guys saw last night???? She's far hotter than us, and it really helps to have a beautiful woman dance before you see our ugly mugs..... =)

Yeah, thanks for that... it really did soften the blow. :lol: You guys slayed.
Congrats again on the great show opener on Thursday. All of you were on your game. I was so happy to see you perform. I will see you this weekend at Sidelines.... See you there. Again, Great Show.. Keep it Metal :rock:
I must state that the response given us is humbling and overwhelmiing, in a good way. We love to play, period. We truly appreciate all of you! And we are definitley looking to bust a rump in 2008 to make HW even more lean and mean. I really don't know what else to say, i'm at a loss for words.
I would also like to thank everyone in the Cheers and Jeers thread too. We really appreciate all of your support. Playing with such excellent bands has truly inspired us to really come out strong next year! Thanks for making 2007 so memorable for us. Again thanks to Shane for his support. We were more than happy to help.
A belated thanks and congrats, but glad you guys could pull it off, great having you rock us out on such short notice. And here's a few glasses raised to you Chris for all those whiskey & cokes you bought me! Cheers! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: and spraining a few neck muscles on the floor together during Pagan's Mind! :rock:
We'll be playing on Feb 2 with Odin's Court and Eclipsed By Sanity at Sidelines.
It'll be our return to the stage after this break we're currently on.
Hope to see you there. Make sure to say hi!
I MAY be able to make that gig. I sure hope so, anyway. I saw you guys in the crowd at the last Theocracy gig at SRL. You guys were cool up on stage with ALD on "DRC" by KISS, as well.:kickass: