Thanks to Father

indeed, but for Fr. Strangelights ministry we could descend into purgatory as the fallen anathema forum has

Glory to the most high!!
Bambi said:
indeed, but for Fr. Strangelights ministry we could descend into purgatory as the fallen anathema forum has

Glory to the most high!!
yeah, its a mess over there again. oh well.
neither will i.
i can understand you don't like (a) certain person(s),but is it really necessary to ruin the whole board 'cause of that? well, ruin is to strong a word, but some ppl left or are hardly posting anything these days..... pity...

@malaclypse: glad it wasn't me ;) and no i'm not a clone
Bastet said:
some good humour indeed, had some good laughs...

but why are they missing the point, what's it all about then?
I dunno what its all about. But it's not about who knows Danny the best, nor is it about cheesy quotes from films. Nor anything to do with Thy Whinging Bird or forests, candles, whispering valleys etc. Or maybe it is :)
Strangelight said:
I dunno what its all about. But it's not about who knows Danny the best, nor is it about cheesy quotes from films. Nor anything to do with Thy Whinging Bird or forests, candles, whispering valleys etc. Or maybe it is :)
oh! i see
alright, i threw my candles away but what about the weeping willow then? :p
yeah this forum is a pretty darn pleasant place to be these days. all the lids like. (sorry about the crap slang there, old habbits die hard)
im sure someone had a prayer to Father Strangelight once - think it was sidera...hmmm i dont like this father business think ill call you steakknife - its cracks me up thats all.
bambi - you ever seen a band in liverpool called The Unhealthy?