That Sinergy site everyone probably knows about...

I'm not really trying to self promote. In case there are some n00bies who haven't seen it, I have been running a Sinergy fansite since 2006 (or 2007, I can't remember) to keep fans up to date on any news of the band that happens to pop up or to keep them entertained. There was a lack of good active ones so despite being the lazy person I am, created one.
My site has some photos, interviews and other neat happy fun stuff. Those who love Alexi and Roope's old Jackson guitars will get a kick out of the live photo section especially.

So check it out, even if you've already known about it before. I occasionally update with other shiny new things.

I am also on the lookout for interviews with Alexi where he mentions the band, so if anyone could help me out, that will be awesome. :3

EDIT: I am too lazy to update the site most of the time. Veeeery lazy.
To my disgrace I have to admit I was impertinent enough to link your renewed site to Lauri Porra's fb. His comment „i loved Sinergy! Thanks for the link. brings back great memories.“ is due to you, I think, since you managed to make at least two people happy with your effort :) Thank you again!

"So, would you ever do a band with Alexi Laiho again?

Alexi will forever be one of my dearest friends and he is without a doubt the greatest musician I have ever worked with, but we are both at very different places in our lives right now. That's not to say that some day in the future something like that couldn't happen, but it's certainly not in the cards anytime soon. I would actually love to finish the fourth Sinergy album that we started production on many years ago. At this rate we can probably look forward to a release date in June of 2042!"