That's it, I'm fucking done.

Shit yeah it was! i have a hthread around here somwhewre abut that game too. Something like"I'm such a dork"
when i first started out playing i wanted to always play an ante game. where you randomly select a card from your deck and whoever wins gets the other persons card. people didn't like playing that with me because i won more often than not:D the online version is the exact same pretty much and also free to download to give it a try and if you want to play with better cards and what not you can buy the cards and then go from there as you would in R/L. the cool thing is also that you cold trade in your electronic cards for real ones from wizards of the coast for free, but shipping wasn't free.
Man I should try them online shits, the only time I've played Magic in the last 8 years was with my (now ex) girlfriend several months ago.