The "ŵG! I just got so fucking lucky!" thread...

Rock Hydra

Feel the Strain!
Nov 27, 2005
Buffalo, NY. U.S.A.
i'm on my laptop in my living room, come out into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and see my dog coming out of my parent's room with my pipe in her mouth. I was like "OH SHIT!"...I quickly knock on the door, no answer....look inside...and my mom is sleeping. I would have gotten in deep shit for that, if she would have seen it. Apparently my dog dug it out of my coat pocket when it fell off the hanger in the closet.

Anyone else have any other OMGTHATWASCLOSE experiences?
once my mom came into my room, and I forgot ot put my bong away, luckily it was out of view behind my TV, but the smell was pretty potent.
I used to invade homes when I was like 12 just to see if I could get in and out unnoticed. There was this empty house, I grew careless, and the security came to investigate. I had to flee through the back, evading spotlights, into a jungle and a marsh, ended up lost until I found an empty lot which I used to return to the streets.

I used to be such a reckless little lad...
haha fun^ Well that really is damn Lucky.. that she didnt see ur dog with the Pipe. i dont Know if i have any of thouse storys really. Not to long ago thoue i had gotten high and my asshole brother found outr and called the cops to my damn house he ruined my whole fucking day makein me pariond abpout them.. i didnt anser the door of course just Hide but thats just fucking wrong
Rock Hydra said:
i'm on my laptop in my living room, come out into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and see my dog coming out of my parent's room with my pipe in her mouth. I was like "OH SHIT!"...I quickly knock on the door, no answer....look inside...and my mom is sleeping. I would have gotten in deep shit for that, if she would have seen it. Apparently my dog dug it out of my coat pocket when it fell off the hanger in the closet.

Anyone else have any other OMGTHATWASCLOSE experiences?

man was your dog a police dog? he has a nose for drugs! see what else he can sniff out! Bring him to a friends house you know does it. :Smokin: