The 24 thread continues...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

OK, the latest episode was astounding. Some questions:

1 - Is the tape recording real or tampered with? I think it's gotta be real.

2 - Who fucking jumped when Syed Ali got shot in the head? I did!

3 - Who shot Syed Ali? What does that tattoo signify - rogue soldier?

4 - When will they finally kill off Jack's daughter, Kim? Her storylines have reached an all time low - I thought the cougar chase was bad...and what does she mean by, "it's started"...?

1. I don't know if the tape recording is real or fake. Everytime you figure something out, they kick you in the balls with some new twist.

2. You girl!

3. I have no idea who shot Ali. See my answer to question one for more explanation. I think the guy with the tatoo is somebody we already know. Actually, I think it's Al Gore!

4. "It's started." refers to rioting. That's what I think.

I love 24.
npearce said:
1. I don't know if the tape recording is real or fake. Everytime you figure something out, they kick you in the balls with some new twist.

Exactly - that's why I think it's real!!

2. You girl!


3. I have no idea who shot Ali. See my answer to question one for more explanation. I think the guy with the tatoo is somebody we already know. Actually, I think it's Al Gore!

I think he's some kind of mercenary being paid by government officials. I have a feeling that at some point, there is going to be a big showdown between this fucker and Jack - and it is going to be massive.

4. "It's started." refers to rioting. That's what I think.

Is that because of the explosion in the desert? Or did Rodney King get another kicking?

I love 24.

When this season is over, I have the entire first season to look forward to on DVD!
JayKeeley said:

OK, the latest episode was astounding. Some questions:

1 - Is the tape recording real or tampered with? I think it's gotta be real.

2 - Who fucking jumped when Syed Ali got shot in the head? I did!

3 - Who shot Syed Ali? What does that tattoo signify - rogue soldier?

4 - When will they finally kill off Jack's daughter, Kim? Her storylines have reached an all time low - I thought the cougar chase was bad...and what does she mean by, "it's started"...?


1 - Fake, w/o a doubt. See answer #3.

2 - WUSS! Just kidding. :D

3 - The missing soldier from that elite NSA group, the ones that tried to kill Jack. Remember how they were "protecting" the nuke so they could be the heroes, and one of them disappeared after killing the rest of his team? It's that guy. My girlfriend called it before they showed his tattoo. Of couse, she also knew that Nina was the bad guy in the FIRST EPISODE last year.

4 - She is so annoying, and now that they don't show her bouncy boobies in that white sweater anymore they should kill her off. Except that I would feel bad for Jack then, and with his wife and daughter gone he'd probably kill himself, therefore no 3rd season. :(
JayKeeley said:
Is that because of the explosion in the desert? Or did Rodney King get another kicking?

I just assumed that people would start to freak out a bit when they found out somebody blew a nuke on US soil. I also assumed that riots in LA are like cow tipping in Kansas.

*note* Cow tipping is a myth. Cows don't sleep standing up. Trust me. I know. I grew up on a farm/ranch with as many as 1000 head of cattle.
NAD said:
3 - The missing soldier from that elite NSA group, the ones that tried to kill Jack. Remember how they were "protecting" the nuke so they could be the heroes, and one of them disappeared after killing the rest of his team? It's that guy. My girlfriend called it before they showed his tattoo. Of couse, she also knew that Nina was the bad guy in the FIRST EPISODE last year.

That's gotta be it. And I hate when people like your girlfriend are clever and guess things!! I like to be dumb when I watch TV. (And I don't believe anyone who says they guessed the ending to The Sixth Sense half-way through...although I did guess the ending to The Others....)

OK so it's the missing rogue soldier then. Do you think he and Jack will get into it with one another? Knives? Guns?

4 - She is so annoying, and now that they don't show her bouncy boobies in that white sweater anymore they should kill her off.

That is what I said weeks ago! I can't stand American TV when they show cleavage and outlines. Either give me the real deal or make her dress like an Afghan. No inbetweens or Howard Stern blurring in my TV world.

Except that I would feel bad for Jack then, and with his wife and daughter gone he'd probably kill himself, therefore no 3rd season.

Nah man, the only reason why he was so willing to fly the plane into the desert was just so he could get away from her for good. George Mason was never part of his plan. I think Jack is suicidal just because of how dumb his daughter is. Worth a shag though I guess...
JayKeeley said:
That is what I said weeks ago! I can't stand American TV when they show cleavage and outlines. Either give me the real deal or make her dress like an Afghan. No inbetweens or Howard Stern blurring in my TV world.
EXCELLENT!!! :lol:

Yes I have noticed the similarities between the show and what is currently happening, a testament to brilliant writing. Or dumb luck, either way I'm impressed. :)

Oh yeah, I like to be dumb with TV and movies too, that's half the reason I watch them. I never even try to predict the ending of anything, I would rather be surprised. When I want to think I read a book or go to a museum.
NAD said:
When I want to think I read a book or go to a museum.

Or listen to 'progressive metal' because, you know, you're not allowed to enjoy that shit. You have to sit and make fucking notes and count the jazz beats.

Give me a nice pair of perky tits, 'eavy metal, a fast car, and a sunny day. That's all I want to think about, booyakasha.
JayKeeley said:
Or listen to 'progressive metal' because, you know, you're not allowed to enjoy that shit. You have to sit and make fucking notes and count the jazz beats.

I'm a fan of complicated music, but I don't like to advertise too often because I don't want to be lumped in with the group you so perfectly summerized. Personally I would rather FEEL music than THINK about it. Even King Crimson. :)
Papa Josh said:
I don't trust that Cary bitch that was watching Michelle through the whole episode..

Yeah, you know she's going to be in on it. That Syed Ali tape was fake and it's going to turn out to be a conspiracy with Cary, the rogue soldier, and the president's ex-wife. And what ever happened to that presidential aide guy who they were torturing? Is he coming back into the story ever?

So why does the soldier/tatoo guy want Kate Warner?

And what about Tony Almeda? I can't remember - what's the connection between Tony and Cary? And wasn't it a bit extreme for him to pull a gun on Jack last night? Maybe he's covering something up too?
NAD said:
I'm a fan of complicated music, but I don't like to advertise too often because I don't want to be lumped in with the group you so perfectly summerized. Personally I would rather FEEL music than THINK about it. Even King Crimson. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Complicated music is fine at times. Nile is complex. Symphony X can be complex. Opeth have their moments.

Some fans of complicated music, as you say...ay carumba.
To sit and watch a live show, arms crossed, and analyze the events with poker faces...where's the metal?! \m/

Anyway, back to 24 and the plot of the three countries...who can guess the countries? I think one of them might be France...heh.
The three countries: Syria, Sudan, and Canada.

Well after last night we know why Michelle and Cary don't get along, and also that last minute shootouts have become the industry standard for suspense apparently.

So who is pulling the strings to force a war? It's sort of funny how the reason is for oil, I would guess that that is the writer's stance on Iraq. :D
NAD said:
The three countries: Syria, Sudan, and Canada.

Well after last night we know why Michelle and Cary don't get along, and also that last minute shootouts have become the industry standard for suspense apparently.

So who is pulling the strings to force a war? It's sort of funny how the reason is for oil, I would guess that that is the writer's stance on Iraq. :D

I think the parallels between the show and reality are quite interesting. Perhaps the writer is hoping to open some eyes of people here at home who watch the show. Fucking ingenious if you ask me.
Yeah but the scripts are written well before they film the show, which means the story hits on a few coincidences. Unless it was written by the ghost of Nostradameus.

Has anyone seen "Wag the Dog" with DeNiro and Hoffman? PJ - you have to see this one...
This last weeks epidsode was amazing! Any guesses as to what will happen next? Personally, I think Michael's conscience just might be eating at him and maybe he's going to change his vote at the last minute... I wonder...

Man, whatever happened to Stanton, guess they fried him up pretty good.
You know, with my current work hours, I've been missing 24. I have them taped though so I'll catch up this weekend.

I have to admit though, I took a sneak peek at the torture scene last week - that looked pretty ruthless!
Yeah Stanton did just sort of drop out of the picture, didn't he? Whoops...

My guess is that the vote won't pass, and Mike will try to make up for what he has done. I don't like the vice president, he seems like a poopoo head.