The 7th colour of the rainbow?


Feb 28, 2004
One thing that has been bothering me for a while now. This part from Om Regnbågen Materialiserades: "Jag välkomnar dig, sjufärgade dynasti" (I welcome you, seven-coloured dynasty). I only count six colours.

1. Purple
2. Blue
3. Green
4. Yellow
5. Orange
6. Red

What am I missing, which is the seventh colour? :err:

Between blue and green counts are turquoise.
Purple counts as two, since it appears two times.
amf said:
One thing that has been bothering me for a while now. This part from Om Regnbågen Materialiserades: "Jag välkomnar dig, sjufärgade dynasti" (I welcome you, seven-coloured dynasty). I only count six colours.

1. Purple
2. Blue
3. Green
4. Yellow
5. Orange
6. Red

What am I missing, which is the seventh colour? :err:

Between blue and green counts are turquoise.
Purple counts as two, since it appears two times.

they tell us in school Roy G. Biv (like a person's name) to memorize the order.
amf said:
One thing that has been bothering me for a while now. This part from Om Regnbågen Materialiserades: "Jag välkomnar dig, sjufärgade dynasti" (I welcome you, seven-coloured dynasty). I only count six colours.

1. Purple
2. Blue
3. Green
4. Yellow
5. Orange
6. Red

What am I missing, which is the seventh colour? :err:

Between blue and green counts are .
Purple counts as two, since it appears two times.

Turquoise is the last one! Indigo whould almost be counted as blue i think! Otherwise its millions!
Indigo is a myth created by Christians who feel safer living in a world of 7's instead of 6's. :D

You have 3 primary colors: Red, Yellow, Blue
which combine to make 3 more secondary colors: Orange, Green, Violet.
Where does Indigo fit in this?
it dosn't. but are there 7 colors. because i don't have a clue about that, and how dose indigo look like (the color)?
Thidrek said:
plus ultraviolet, plus infrared = 9 colors :p

These don't fit in here! :p Our eyes don't pick them up, the wavelengths are too short on UV and too long on Infrared. I geuss, the rainbow has as many colors as you can pick out and visibly see when it is refracted, depending on the type of light, so on. I assume sunlight is what fits in here., but the accepted number is 7, that ROY G BIV thing. Sir Isaac Newton said 7 most likely because he was big into numerology and 7 is a very "special" number, like there are 7 days in the week, 7 seas, 7 holes in our head, etc. In Viking runology, in the Viking Uthark 7 was a number of perfection, and represnted things like say the 7th heaven, etc.

Hope this helps some ;)
Yeah, in the christian belief 7 is the number of god and because of that there are that many sevens in the western world. In fairy tales there the 7 appears quite often as for example in "the 7 ravens" or in "the 7 dwarfs" or "seven-league boots".
according to my studies the solar spectrum contains 7 colors;
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet....

..indigo is not a blue or a kind of pruple/violet, here in my country people call it "añil"
The Eighth colour according to Terry Pratchett's Discworld series is Octarine, the colour of magic. ;D

Unfortunately it's only so at the Discworld.