The Abortion Thread

I'm pro-life in the sense that if I were to knock a girl up, I would try to influence her to not get an abortion. I avoid the chance of knocking a girl up by not having sex. But that is a personal choice, and I would not expect for others to have to abide by my morality. I do not like abortions in any shape or form because you are cheating a human being of their right to live.

By most people's standards, my siblings and myself were prime candidates for an abortion. My mother was 16 when she got pregnant with my older brother and his father was a dead beat drug addict. My father dropped my mom off in another state to live with her mother shortly after he discovered that she was pregnant with me. When my mom became pregnant with my sister we were living in poverty with my sister's woman and child beating father. My family and I lived in poverty with wife and child beating men in over 20 different homes from the time I was born to the age of 9. Now, I'm 20 years old, pursuing a degree in music, eventually I hope to achieve a master's degree in music composition and theory, I am constantly striving to attain higher in the intellectual sense, and I hope to have children someday. And the thought that my life could have been ended, and should have been ended by many people's standards, before it even began disturbs me.

I would never try to influence a girl to get an abortion, but I would never endorse coercive action to prevent a girl from getting an abortion. It is their life, and they are free to make their own choices and live with those choices as well. However, the state should not be involved in the practice of abortion (or any practice other than defense for that matter). I do not like that my tax dollars are being used for the government to manufacture the social and genetic standards of the future.
I'm pro-life in the sense that if I were to knock a girl up, I would try to influence her to not get an abortion. I avoid the chance of knocking a girl up by not having sex. But that is a personal choice, and I would not expect for others to have to abide by my morality. I do not like abortions in any shape or form because you are cheating a human being of their right to live.

No one has a right to live. We're mere transitions through space and time. Elaborate static attractions layered between parallel dimensions, our place determined by molecular frequencies. Life is an abstract thought, just like thoughts are abstractions, and thoughts of abstractions are abstractions of thoughts. And some white sexist racist bitch republican, as if he discovered the equation to everything, is going to tell me that everyone has a right to live? Hfm, fuck him!
I love how some pro-lifers I've met seem to care more about people being alive more than people being happy.
"Population control" is a phrase with incredibly negative, almost inhumane connotations, but it's one of the largest problems facing the world, and it will be for the foreseeable future. Abortions should be free, and women under 25 or so should be given stipends for being on reliable birth control like IUDs.
zabu of nΩd;10223659 said:
Really? What's your argument for being pro-life?

We discussed this a bit on fb. Like I said earlier, I think potential personhood confers a prima facie right to life. If you want to get deep into this, make a thread about it, homeboy. It'll be great.

Vimana said:
I love how some pro-lifers I've met seem to care more about people being alive more than people being happy.

That's nice. What's your point? Hey, I can play this game too: I love how some pro-choicers seem to be so cavalier about killing biologically human entities/dismembering living human things and chucking them in the waste basket. OH MY GOD!
Just to get this out of the M&F thread before I go at it with Cythie:

We discussed this a bit on fb. Like I said earlier, I think potential personhood confers a prima facie right to life. If you want to get deep into this, make a thread about it, homeboy. It'll be great.

So I guess to begin with, can you elaborate a bit on this "right to life" you speak of, and what justifies it? Obviously I'm a fan of life and all, and I know we tend to view any unnecessary killing as "bad", but I think by approaching this topic from a value perspective and looking at the comparative value of life vs. death in various cases (necessary and unnecessary) we will find a much clearer and crisper way of judging life than by such primitive black-and-white terms as "morality" and "rights".
"Population control" is a phrase with incredibly negative, almost inhumane connotations, but it's one of the largest problems facing the world, and it will be for the foreseeable future. Abortions should be free, and women under 25 or so should be given stipends for being on reliable birth control like IUDs.

Cool opinion bro, if the western world weren't already at sub-replacement birthing levels.

Pro-life is easy to understand. You think fetuses are people so you don't think they should be forcibly killed because murder is wrong and humans shouldn't be able to pass judgment calls on ending other humans' lives, particularly innocent ones whose lives haven't even really started yet. People who pretend they can't understand both sides of the argument are morons.

Funny story, PP's work got a bunch of anti-abortion visitors yesterday and they passed out little squishy fetus figurines to each office. They are made of the same material as stress balls and you can make them auto-fellate and stretch into all sorts of weird shapes.
That's ridiculous, anyone who has ever had an abortion knows it's not fun.

Abortions should be dirt cheap or free because extra babies borne of unwealthy parentage are a big suck on taxpayers.
Don't give a fuck about fetuses in 1st trimester abortions. Less consciousness than an insect. Can't feel pain. Why are we giving more value to these unconscious, nonsensual beings than we are to fully developed women?

I don't really think the potentiality argument works, because sperm and egg have potentiality to become human has well. That potentiality is negated all the time (masturbation, menstruation, intercourse w/ condom etc.).

As for third trimester abortions, its a more tricky question and requires a closer look at context. The women who get third trimester abortions almost never just decide at the last minute that something is wrong. Usually, there is either a serious medical problem for her or the baby or she was previously impeded from seeing a doctor by a man (usually in the former cases the pregnancy is often a product of rape). My stance is trust women to make the right choice. Abortions are often difficult choices and 3rd trimesters are especially difficult. If a woman thinks that's the best thing to do, than she should be allowed to.
If a woman thinks that's the best thing to do, than she should be allowed to.

I can agree with this, when there is no coercion involved. Abortions will happen regardless of legality, and there is essentially no way to go about providing restitution, etc. It is, in my opinion, a negative act, where more harm is done in trying to prevent it (like drug use).

However, on the flip side, I do not believe in coercive subsidization either. Let an "abortion co-op" structure support the choices of aborting mothers, and an "adoption co-op" structure, or whatever, support alternative choices.
When would coercion be a factor? Few people would ever actually voice their secret opinion "she should just get an abortion."
If it's ok for people to cook lobsters alive in boiling water then surely there's far too much thought going into some fucking rotten thing...we humans have a fairly inflated view of our worth.If women want the fucking things out then get rid of them,this should be free of charge service run by some douches.