The Adventures of Codi and Gonzo V (final)

wow... how can you bitch about how you would bitch? This is just making me want to do it more and more :lol:

Nah I'm just sayin'. You can joke about pretty much everything with me, just not my family, it would be greatly appreciated if you didn't thankyoonz.
inb4 she's in the next cartoon, also not saying this for a fight but you shouldn't have posted pics if you felt this strongly.

I never did post pics :lol: I'm just saying that the thought of it is enough to make me baw.

(Which leads me to ask, if any of you do know what my sister looks like, then how the/what the fuck? That shit aint right)

Goddamnit you guys....

Seriously though, just keep my family out of my internets okay?
I never did post pics :lol: I'm just saying that the thought of it is enough to make me baw.

(Which leads me to ask, if any of you do know what my sister looks like, then how the/what the fuck? That shit aint right)

I don't understand, if you never posted a pic of your sister then how would anyone know how she looks like?

But in your honest opinion, is she hot? ...

... sorry :lol:
I have never posted a picture of any family member of mine. Somebody else might have but I probably got the post deleted, now please. Shut the fuck up.