The Aging Thread

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Have ye vunts noticed anything odd in regards to your anatomy? Weird hair popping up in strange places, bones aching for no apparent reason, P.E or E.D? :err:

Aside from the sprouts growing in my ears which need the occasional trim job, I've grown hair on my big toes (never seen this oof until recently), as well as a patch of 9 inch hairs springing forth like Athena from follicles 32 years dormant. I was so disgusted by the elbow hair I took a BIC to it.

Then there's the occasional ache. I was performing a set of squats earlier, and my right latissimus pusillanimous creaked in strained fashion. My whole right side feels like it's been flogged like a piece of cargo.

Long life short, aging blows.
Lol what timing. Tis my birthday! And I feel no older, so no. Although a few months ago I was treated for chronic knee pain. Turns out my arches are so bad its fucking up my knees, causing premature aging/arthritis in that area. Its fine with (ludicrously expensive) insoles though.
happy happy

my girlfriend SAYS she found a grey hair in my glorious mane about a month ago

i dont think so
I had one coming out of my chest a couple months back, promptly plucked it. Sonovbitch hasn't popped it's ugly head since. (Thankfully)

What sucks about all these little anatomical nuances, is I don't feel any different physically than I did as a teen.
I have gray back hair. Not much, but it's there.

My head is also about 1/4 gray, mostly on the right side.

Feel healthier than I did 10 years ago. Hooray diet and exercise.
One thing that has absolutely changed from 20s to 30s (besides having to trim my nose hairs) is the recovery period of doing stupid shit.

10 years ago a night of heavy drinking was 15 to 20 beers, which definitely gave me a nasty hangover, but it would usually dissipate by the following evening.

Now? 5 to 6 drinks will get me shitfaced, and I'll feel like hell for at LEAST two days. Of course that helps to keep the boozing down, so I really can't complain, just an observation.

Also lifting heavy bass gear isn't any more difficult than it used to be, however if I don't lift properly, that too will level my ass the next day.

Happy birthday refraction.

So, in essence, I'm falling apart. I haven't been able to lift weights pain free for two years, I tweaked my left shoulder in February of 2011. It took about 9 months to get it righted. Ultimately, a 2nd cotisone shot fixed it. Shortly thereafter, my right shoulder began to ache. Three contisone shots, physical therapy... no dice. I ended up having shoulder surgery this February to remove bone spurs. I'm still recovering. Hopefully I'll be able to truly start lifting again in another month. Not being able to do so has really increased my stress level.

The beard is grey, the occasional chest hair is grey, hangovers kick my ass, and I need to spend more time warming up before lifting. thankfully,my ability wood up and the libido haven't seemed to wane.
Happy Geburtstag :)

As far as falling apart goes, I've felt old since I was 20 (when I developed chronic bursitis in my left hip). Exercise and stretching keeps the pain minimal. However, I totally wrenched my back doing squats with measly five-pound kettlebells yesterday (wtf) and THAT hurts like hell today.
Oh yeah I have chronic pain under my left foot, comes and goes. When it comes I'm in agony and rock the limp for at least two weeks.

And I need to have two teeth capped rather soon. Feeling a bit depressed about this.
Thanks guys :kickass: Was my 19th.

Ellestin, did you ever get the foot checked out? Sounds like what I had. Just ignored it until it fucked up my knees as well. If youre lucky you actually might be able to fix it with some simple muscle strengthening exercises.
I had a foot thing in my early 20s. Turns out wearing Doc Martens all day / every day is not a good idea for someone with massive arches. New Balance for 10 years strong, foot thing went away never to reappear! Plus now I get to wear Old Man Shoes all the time, and OMS are fucking krieg.
I had a weird foot thing too for the whole summer of 2006 (I was 22). Every morning when I'd get out of bed and put my feet on the floor, my feet would be in so much agony. After I'd been up and walking for a while, the pain would subside. But yeah, every morning there would be this mystery pain. I wasn't wearing any new or unusual kind of shoes, and since it only lasted a few months, I've chalked it up to possibly being growing pains. Didn't notice an increase in the size of my feet, though. I wore a ten before the pain, and I still wear a ten.
I'm 27 and feel older all the time. My body is just not responding the way it did when I was 20. I'm still in good shape but the metabolism is slowing and my endurance isn't what it once was. More than the physical limitations is the fact that life just isn't what it used to be. Things excite me less on the whole, close friends become minor acquaintances etc... Aging truly is the worst, and I'm not even old yet.
I'm 27 and feel older all the time. My body is just not responding the way it did when I was 20. I'm still in good shape but the metabolism is slowing and my endurance isn't what it once was. More than the physical limitations is the fact that life just isn't what it used to be. Things excite me less on the whole, close friends become minor acquaintances etc... Aging truly is the worst, and I'm not even old yet.

i 100% know what you mean, especially the last half of that post hits p. close to home

i probably feel better physically and mentally now than i did five to ten years ago, because i've taken little steps to improve my health not just diet-wise but in a lot of little lifestyle choices here and there

when you're in your teens and early 20's you can withstand everything and eat pizza every day and give no fucks, but when you get to 25-30, i feel there's kind of a watershed where you have to decide if you want to make some kind of effort to feel good and stay youngish in body and mind or if you wanna just slowly give up like the majority of folks.

IT CAN BE DONE. there are 70 year olds right now who will kick your ass not only physically but mentally. i believe everyone makes the CHOICE to feel like shit or not.

more difficult than preserving physical health, which is really not that hard once you figure out how and decide to do it, is preserving spirit (although that comes with the package a bit; healthy body/healthy mind)

but anyway. yes, it's really hard to actually FEEL THINGS and GET EXCITED about anything these days. it's hard sometimes to even have cohesive thoughts. my attention span has gotten so fucking short that sometimes i think i've lost my ability to think creatively for more than like 5 seconds at a time. sometimes i feel like being an emotionally unstable teenager was actually preferable to this "whatever man its all good" mindless everyday mediocrity slog i've been on for the last few years

not sure what to do to appreciate life more and live with more will & creativity

the actual solution is probably to throw away all the computers and go walking in the woods

no, really