The Aging Thread

lolz ^^^

Had first new band rehearsal tonight.

Now celebrating with 2 beers and a movie.

Physically tired from moving gear.

Mentally done from getting shit OUT.

A fine place to be in this moment.
Yeah I thought gyms became a fad 80 years ago.

Before that men bench-pressed women instead.

Personally I lift fruit instead because it tastes better.

Seriously try juggling pineapples, that shit ain't easy.
I'm not quite sure how it qualifies as elitist or a fad. I belong to Gold's Gym. They've been around since 1965.

I am not saying lifting is a fad, but you have to admit that there is a current wave of people who are suddenly all about getting healthy, fit or 'big', and i'm sure they fill your gym just as they do mine...staring at themselves in the mirror, improper lifting techniques, not training legs because bitches won't notice your legs etc..
sometimes i feel like being an emotionally unstable teenager was actually preferable to this "whatever man its all good" mindless everyday mediocrity slog i've been on for the last few years

You sure as hell are a better poster now than back in the day when you were strung out on teen angst, though

As for the subject matter of the thread - I could eat pretty much whatever the feck I wanted until the age of 24-25, when I slowly started gaining weight. Went from 75 kg to about 85 in a couple of years. Wasn't really that noticeable, it was more of a "skinny fat" kinda thing - slim frame but a fucking disgusting pot belly. No exercise due to long hours at work, as I wanted to do things that were actually enjoyable in my free time. Often opted for absolutely SHIT quick meals as well, instead of healthy food that takes time to prepare.

I've thankfully managed to get myself in check, though, have started exercising and eating pretty much only decent food. Cut out all sugars/most carbs (except those found in beer) from my diet, and I'm soon back to where I used to be physically. Still do relatively long hours at work on the regular, but always find the time to squeeze at least an hour of exercise three times a week. Even easier now that the company I work for has invested in a gym that is solely for company employees. Thought it was gay at first, but now I've come to appreciate it.

As for the mental part; never felt more creative and tuned in in my life. No clue as to why, but that's the way it is :Smokin:
I am not saying lifting is a fad, but you have to admit that there is a current wave of people who are suddenly all about getting healthy, fit or 'big', and i'm sure they fill your gym just as they do mine...staring at themselves in the mirror, improper lifting techniques, not training legs because bitches won't notice your legs etc..
Fitness does go through phases that are fad like. People gravitate between going old school (free weights), kettle bells, home DVDs, cross-training, kick boxing, or whatever other technique the latest "scientific evidence" suggests works.
But I also think you realize a substantial gain in self image and all the positives that come with that.

When I was a teen I weighed 120lbs at 6ft tall. While openly contemplating trying out for the JV football team and being scoffed at for my substandard stature, I vowed never to be a twig again. Pass the burgers, pass the fries, pass the iron, I couldn't give two shakes, just as long as I'm not a rail thin pushover. People treat you different if you can slam them on their ass for acting like scum. I seriously wished I hit the weights years before I did, but food was scarce as a tot, so it would have been moot.

but anyway. yes, it's really hard to actually FEEL THINGS and GET EXCITED about anything these days. it's hard sometimes to even have cohesive thoughts. my attention span has gotten so fucking short that sometimes i think i've lost my ability to think creatively for more than like 5 seconds at a time. sometimes i feel like being an emotionally unstable teenager was actually preferable to this "whatever man its all good" mindless everyday mediocrity slog i've been on for the last few years

I used to be able to hold it down in a conversation, with witticisms and quips. Now when I speak to my fellow man, I'm just a tacit husk. I either need to be hopped on copious amounts of caffeine or have several brews in me to get my brain jump started. I used to even write for pleasure every now and then, now have nill desire.

Also have a blond (hardly visible) 1 cm hair growing out the right side of my noise, oh joy.
i'll lift things but i won't lift various pieces of scrap iron at a sweaty-ass gym for THREE SETS OF THIRTY REPS NO MORE NO LESS for no particular reason

Actual lol!
I don't remember this thread and it looks like there's some amusing stuff back on page 2 that I'm going to have to actually go back and read...but I saw this and had to comment.
I feel the same way. We humans do alot of weird stuff. I guess you could say everything we do is strange, but lifting weights has got to be one of the strangest activities ever. It's a testament to how much of a leisurely society we've become over the past 100 years or whatever. Our caloric intake has become so extreme and our access to food so casually facile that we deliberately and thoughtfully drive cars to a building where there are stacks of iron ore and we....LIFT THEM UP AND DOWN.

I'm really not making fun of anyone - just having a laugh. And this is coming from a former "serious" weight lifter, too. Over the past couple years though, I would get to the point in a workout where I simply couldn't understand what the fuck I was doing. It was mind-numbingly boring.

For the past few months, I can't even be bothered to go to the Y at all. I instead go trail running in a local forest. It's more fun and surely more healthy for me.

We humans do alot of weird stuff. I guess you could say everything we do is strange, but lifting weights has got to be one of the strangest activities ever. It's a testament to how much of a leisurely society we've become over the past 100 years or whatever. Our caloric intake has become so extreme and our access to food so casually facile that we deliberately and thoughtfully drive cars to a building where there are stacks of iron ore and we....LIFT THEM UP AND DOWN.
:lol: x :lol: <-- That is actually what I did after reading this.