The Alan Keyes thread

Alex, he's digging himself in deeper and deeper! From Chillinois....

Just a thought...

Remember how Keyes stood by while the right-wing made jokes about Barack Obama's white mother? Wonder how Alan feels about his daughter's (gasp!) white girlfriend.
This makes me sad. We all know Keyes was going to get crushed, but he must have thought he had a good chance to pull off an upset. Now, when he gets annihilated, he's probably going to harbour, in his heart, the idea that maybe, just maybe, his gay daughter cost him the election.
Subject: [KeyesForSenate] Important Deadline TONIGHT!
Date: September 30, 2004 4:08:27 PM CDT


This evening at midnight marks the end of the third quarter filing period for Federal Election Commission campaign reporting -- and is a crucial opportunity for the Keyes 2004 campaign to demonstrate we have the necessary resources to defeat my radically liberal opponent:

Barack Obama is so extreme that he supports pro-death, anti-family, high-tax policies that even John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy won't be seen advocating. Obama supports UNRESTRICTED ABORTION TO THE POINT OF INFANTICIDE; coddles CONVICTED FELONS, GANG MEMBERS, and SEXUAL PREDATORS like the ACLU-type lawyer he is; and would leave it up to the WTO TO PROTECT AMERICAN JOBS!

Obama's liberal nonsense knows no limits -- he has even tried to impose sex education upon our children in KINDERGARTEN!

If elected, Barack Obama would be the most radical leftist ever to occupy a US Senate seat. That is why I must have your immediate, most generous contribution ONLINE NOW!

Grassroots Americans have stepped up to the plate in my last-minute bid to halt Obama in his tracks -- and our campaign is receiving enthusiastic support all around the state. But in order to strip Obama's mask of "moderation," and expose his radical agenda for Illinois and all Americans, I MUST be able to by-pass the liberal Chicago media, and get my message of moral and economic liberty in front of Illinois voters:

When voters go to the polls on November 2, they could not have a clearer choice on the ballot than that between President George W. Bush and John Kerry -- EXCEPT in the choice between Alan Keyes and Barack Obama.

Help me be your voice in the US Senate for common sense conservatism and responsible self government -- imagine what we can accomplish together! Remember that a more reliable GOP majority in the US Senate brings us closer to ending judicial tyranny, securing the blessings of liberty, and winning the war on terror. But to succeed, I need your online contribution NOW:

Keep Faith,
Alan Keyes
lizard said:
Barack Obama is so extreme that he supports pro-death, anti-family, high-tax policies that even John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy won't be seen advocating. Obama supports UNRESTRICTED ABORTION TO THE POINT OF INFANTICIDE; coddles CONVICTED FELONS, GANG MEMBERS, and SEXUAL PREDATORS like the ACLU-type lawyer he is; and would leave it up to the WTO TO PROTECT AMERICAN JOBS!
That's a desperate man right there..