The Alchemist

NADatar said:
Siddhartha takes like a day to read, do that one first so we can finally discuss it. :D

Haha, I'm going to insult the first person who calls it "buddhism"

What are you reading these days, NADatar?
I finished Lolita a week or two ago and haven't read anything since. I'll read like 20 books and then take a month break, don't know why.

Momz got me some Buchowski, Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut, and... I forget but a few others, for my bday. Probably read A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich first though, I read the introduction a week or so ago but have just been watching movies and pulling the pud as of late.
You will LOVE Cat's Cradle! Is this your first Vonnegut?

I read the first Illuminatus! book this week, pretty cool, lots of homage to Joyce, Pynchon, Lovecraft, etc. Also a bunch of Chekhov for class (that reminds me... I have to read the play "Cherry Orchards" tonight... )
Reminds me, need to read Ulysses dammit.

I've read Player Piano (years ago, could stand to read it again), A Man Without a Country, Slaughterhouse-Five, and... I guess that's it. Vonnegut fucking rules.