the altered state of consciousness thread

Well I just downed 40 pills of DXM, my buddy just did as well. Should be fun when it kicks in. Will tell how it went tomorrow.
so right now i'm trying to kick off herion. i've got these pills called suboxone which mimic some of the effects of opiates without actually being an opiate. they help somewhat with the physical symptoms of withdrawal but the mental aspect is the truly difficult part of detox. i'm really trying to get my hands on some xanax to help with this, but now that i need them i can't seem to find them anywhere! oh well, i've got to kick either way.

It's hard but doable. I kicked it about a year and a half ago. Some of the worst days of my life for a while.
So I ended up puking a large majority of the stuff out which lead to me maxing out at plateau 2 :( I'm going to take some dramamine with it next time to settle my stomache.
:lol: Fun night.

I blazed and played guitar out at an open mic night that my friend and I host. We were in the ether, man. Now today I have to listen to the recording and see if we actually sounded as good as we thought we did.
I got quite high last night, scored in the evening after looking all fucking day. Me and a mate scored an eighth and made a fat joint and a blunt between us. The blunt was "brass monkey" flavour, which the guy in the headshop told us was a mix of brandy and orange. I thought it tasted a bit like shoe polish aswell, but there you go. Fruitay.

I also had my second, very intense (2 tabs, strong stuff) acid trip a couple of days ago, which you can imagine...fucking wow. Bombed some MDMA at the same time though I don't remember noticing the effects.

So who's smoked hashish before? Worth buying?
It's worth buying if you can get good hash, which is quite hard to get I think. The one time I smoked it was a very long, pleasant high which was quite euphoric. If you can score some good hash, go for it.
me and some mates were smoking weed the other day and we used an old school method that worked quite well actually. You get an empty can of whatever and indent it so from the side it is shaped like a V. Poke a few holes on where it is indented and breath in through the top of the can.
me and some mates were smoking weed the other day and we used an old school method that worked quite well actually. You get an empty can of whatever and indent it so from the side it is shaped like a V. Poke a few holes on where it is indented and breath in through the top of the can.

I hate using soda cans.

I don't think that's what you are talking about though.