the altered state of consciousness thread

I scared the shit out of my friend when he was stoned one time. He was just poking his head out of his room and I jumped in front of him and yelled and he got so fucking scared he wouldn't even let me come into his room.
in my experiences, awesome. Get some. My friend is a dealer, and he got a shitload of hash.It was good too. Lol we fucking smoked it through a Gravity bong, fun stuff
oh man G bongs ftw. We used to do those back in high school with a garbage can full of water and a 3 liter Soda bottle cut in half. Fall down baked.
.. when you put splenda in your coffee do you hallucinate!!!!

oh no. gonna overdose to much splenda
So is drinking Cough Syrup safe?

Depends on the person. Some people do it on a basis and in somecases die the first time. Regardless it's very bad on your heart if not drinking the recomended dose and people who do it a lot usually shit blood and than OD or have problems after. Some cough meds that contain Dextro you have to be 18 to buy because of so many kids who have overdosed and die.

If you're going to do anything just smoke pot.

Alcohol and other drugs are very bad for you health.
oh man G bongs ftw. We used to do those back in high school with a garbage can full of water and a 3 liter Soda bottle cut in half. Fall down baked.

Man i still do those with my friends, we use a bucket as apposed to a garbage bag though, man that shit fucks you up good.
Yeah. I really did not feel like getting into details because basically it's for 15 year olds and know because that's when I did it and it's fucking stupid.