the altered state of consciousness thread

Meditation can seriously do fucked up things to your mind, if you can do it right. it is pretty much one of the only if not the only thing you could call "all natural." But seriously, it can do some fucked up shit, from hallucinations to other shit, there are just certain ways to do it.

best post on this thread. Definitely something I'm going to look into when I have time.
I have a hard time with meditation since I have ADHD. If I force my body to stay still my mind starts running all over the place and then I have this restlessness mostly in my legs. Like my body is screaming "move!"

I usually just eat something sugary before going to sleep since I hear that stimulates the part of the brain that makes DMT but I'm not quite sure that is true.
There's a state that you can achieve during meditation where the part of the brain that separates you from not you lowers in activity and you feel united with everything.
Probably the main thing that discourages me from getting into meditation is that I've heard from numerous sources that it can take months of daily practice before the experience gets really interesting. I don't think I could deal with that much structure in my free time. I might try sqeezing it in during my lunch hour at work at some point, though.

its not only about the experience however, it can also lead the body/mind to unbelievable!!!! relaxation. Worth it either way imo
Hotboxed my mates car after the pub last night.

Nothing as awesome as just sitting, listening to music with your eyes closed, high as fuck. Takes you to another place.

We used to go to the pub or do that at college during lunch. One of the music teachers joined us one time haha.
so i'm considering making good use of my dramamine tonight

i remembered i had some last night when I puked up my dinner :V and was like "shit should've taken some"
i had the best brown the other day, im never doing green again after that stuff, fuckin brutal
My friends girlfriends parents make weed cookies, and from what I've heard, they will really do some serious shit to you.
Well I'm never taking dramamine again for anything other than motion sickness.

Last night kind of sucked pretty bad. Took 12 pills last night. 8 at 12:45 and 4 more at 1:00

My stomache felt like it was going to blow up, I had zero balance, everytime I blinked I got this weird grinding noise in my head, I would randomly hear parts of songs that don't exist, I would hear people speaking and no one was there, my entire left side went completely numb, and I still right now have a really incredibly high heart rate, though it has considerably slowed down since last night it was around 140 resting. Now it is around 85-90 resting, which has really eased my worries that I seriously fucked myself up. Though it does skyrocket back up if I start to run around, but soon after goes back down to a semi-normal rate.


I'm actually just giving up OTC shit altogether, unless I can find a way to not puke while taking DXM.
I puke very very easily with just about anything, my stomache simply can't hold down stuff like that for shit.
I throw up stomache acid then, or the syrup. I might just try to get my friend to get me some decent pot for next time since I'm told that reduces the risk of upchucking.

srsly though, don't touch dramamine as a "recreational" drug. Shit is not fun at all, and I was a dumbass who tired to walk upstairs for food and drink after it kicked in. I kept missing steps because I would see another step in front of where I was standing when really there wasn't one and I almost fell. I couldn't really see my surroundings well so I kept running into huge objects like my computer desk, our support beam, the refridgerator, boxes, my door, etc.

Didn't like it one bit.