the altered state of consciousness thread

i've got two bottles of zicam sitting right in front of me. enough for a plateau 3 DXM trip. hopefully i can keep this stuff down.

i imagine it'll be slightly easier than syrup since i'm getting almost 800 MG of DXM condensed into only 1.1 oz of liquid as opposed to 8 oz of cough syrup to get the same amount of DXM.
That shit was weird and intense as hell. Not quite sure if I hit it, I did end up puking but unlike the last time I didn't go to sleep right away so I had the effects still come in and man I got hit like a truck by them.

Very vibrant closed eye visuals, my thoughts we start to "surround me" until I thought they were actually happening, i would doze off and have very vivid dreams for a moment until I woke up and saw nothing of them around me, I would occasionally get overcome with an uncontrollable twitch, etc.

Zicam is a hell of a lot easier to get down (even though it is still nasty.)
I'm sticking with weed.

Seriously whats with this plateau shit? Just smoke a few joints with a few mates, listen to music, chill and let the world go all fuzzy and warm.
Afuckingreed. I've done a few drugs in my day (none of which i regret) but srsly there is nothing better then smoking a few bowls of good weed and listen to your favorite album or experience newly discovered metal bands.
I agree.

Weed's the fucking bomb, it's all I fuckin need.
Smokin a couple jays, or a couple bowls, with the buds, and sitting down, grabbin some good and listening to metal, is the epitome of kickass.
I've tried weed a few times and it was fun and stuff. Many people i know keep telling me that weed kills brain cells and makes you returded. What do you guys think?
Have always thought about LSD or mushrooms, but I have a displacement to schizophrenia.
DXM is terrible. A lot of people do it once and they die. I've done it about 10 times and wish I never did it each time, i was a teen though and have not done it in awile. it's stupid as fuck

I've tried weed a few times and it was fun and stuff. Many people i know keep telling me that weed kills brain cells and makes you returded. What do you guys think?

Weed does not kill you and destroy your organs like alcohol pills and other drugs. It's really the best thing you can do if you want to keep healthy and just smoke if your day is terrible. It's really the only safe drug.

Ever since I quit everything and just smoked weed my health has returned to normal on its own going away and I even eat healthier.

Alcohol for example is a downer and makes people ten times more stupid than pot and you have no senses or awareness, obviously if you smoke weed all the time you might notice you're killing brain cells.

... and you don't have a hang over.

Out of everything people should be told if they're going to do anything smoke a bowl regardless if it's illegal, alcohol and others drugs kill people and destroy lives beyond repair.

The government makes pot seem terrible because they can't make any money of it. It's ok in a sense for people to hit people with cars die and beat the shit out of other people because the government makes shitloads of money off of people who have a alcohol problems.

They're not strict and it's legal and TV and society revolves around it, but they put the hammer down on your like you killed someone and are a terrible person if you break the law, and you have to pay the system.

Alcohol has the same effect on people that hard drugs have, you're equivalent to a crack head if you get arrested, but drinking is legal itself and the fines and punishment are even worse than pot, but that's illegal.
I was watching this documentary about weed, The Union - The Business Behind Getting High (Watch it, it's ace), and apparently the one test that talked about killing brain cells involved pumping marijuana smoke into monkeys lungs through a fucking mask. Like, a huge amount of spliffs worth everyday for about 30 days straight. The film pointed out the obvious, if you're gonna deprive them of oxygen for huge periods everyday, of course brain cells are going to fucking die.
Out of everything people should be told if they're going to do anything smoke a bowl regardless if it's illegal, alcohol and others drugs kill people and destroy lives beyond repair.

The government makes pot seem terrible because they can't make any money of it. It's ok in a sense for people to hit people with cars die and beat the shit out of other people because the government makes shitloads of money off of people who have a alcohol problems.

The only problem is...if they made pot legal they WOULD make a LOT of money! Not only will they be able to tax it, but they don't have to spend whatever amounts of millions they are already spending on trying to prevent it from coming into the country and all this NARC bullshit
I'm sticking with weed.

Seriously whats with this plateau shit? Just smoke a few joints with a few mates, listen to music, chill and let the world go all fuzzy and warm.

Anybody who's had a half decent trip would never say this. DXM is a massively different type of experience to weed, or even other types of psychedlic dissociatives. I've done DXM and two other psychedlic dissociatives (ket and 4-meo-pcp) a nmber of times and and each one is sompletely unique, with effects that can change dramatically depending how much you take, what form it's in and how you administer it.

Weed is good for a nice evening chilling, but this weekend I'm going to down a few DOC tabs and trip the whole day and night away. It's not something I'd want to do every day, but serotinergic psychedelics are out of this world when it all goes right.
DXM is terrible. A lot of people do it once and they die. I've done it about 10 times and wish I never did it each time, i was a teen though and have not done it in awile. it's stupid as fuck

Weed does not kill you and destroy your organs like alcohol pills and other drugs. It's really the best thing you can do if you want to keep healthy and just smoke if your day is terrible. It's really the only safe drug.

If they die their first time they're taking either WAY too much or using a syrup with a fucking pain killer in it.

Also LSD is a completely safe drug, no chance for addiction, no physical affects aside from perhaps feeling like shit the next day, etc.

ALL DRUGS are safe if you have a strong enough will and a steady enough head to know your limits.