the altered state of consciousness thread

Everybody has those tbh. I even remember we were smoking outside and those two little boys came to us and they were like "do you have seeds?" and I was like, "you better make sense". You want a joint or something? And they were like "no we need the seeds". And I was like, wow.
So I've tried weed twice whilst drunk with friends, fell asleep after it - no effect. Planning to hang out with some folks for a weed weekend, so this will be my first real time getting blazed. What sort of shit should I expect? When were your first times etc.?
you guys don't seem to be the kind to be into this but I have a couple of friends who are freaking the FUCK out about the fact that the OC time releases are discontinued and now they just have the OP generics. With the OP's basically you can't crush it up so anyone who wants to rail or bang them will have it gel up in their nose/vein (which is stupid as fuck to me, couldn't this possibly kill addicts if they find a way to get it into their veins and then it gels up?). It's the most ridiculous case of supply and demand ever; I've heard of people in the city selling the generic OC's which are the brand name version (now discontinued due to it's abuse potential) for about 80-120$ for an 80 mg pill. if someone that worked for a drug company just took one prescription they could make so much money flipping it its insane; now also there will be more demand for mexican black tar heroin because of the inability to abuse the oc's thus bringing more crime and issues into the country. dumb as hell.
Anyone else have post acute withdrawl syndrome ?. All I know is it fucking sucks.
Finally tried shrooms with some buddys of mine, laughed hysterically for a few hours at stupid shit then the next thing I knew I was eating christmas cookies in my friends room. I started to get worried because I couldnt remember finding the cookies and figured I'd wake up next to a plate of drywall or some shit.

Went through a phase of cocaine and this legal bath salt shit (fake cocaine, stronger imo). Think I took too much bath salt last night. Called it quits today at least for a good while because I'm too damn broke for that shit and a lot of my friends are still really messed up after I tried to kill myself and have a big problem over me just smoking.
Doctors have me on some low grade antipsychotic, so it's probably better not to mix that shit anyways.

If anything I've done more drugs after being in the psych ward then before, which wasn't really what I had in mind so I plan to tone it down quite a bit now.
zabu of nΩd;9644937 said:
Sorry to hear dude. :(

What were you on before?

Recovering alcoholic/addict(opiates) of about 6/7 years. I have done various other drugs too, but do not even smoke herb or cigs anymore. About 40 days clean.
^the cat is the best part :lol:

@billy, I had some shrooms the other day aswell. Weird stuff. Looking at people's crooked faces, walls and pretty much everything either virbrating or seeminly breathing, and walking with a slant and pretty much feeling your entire house is slanted and might collapse if you hit a wall too hard are just a few of the experiences that make me realize that weed > shrooms.
Was reading shit about bath salts and I cant help but feel every story I read is complete bullshit. For example this one guy supposedly took a knife and cut himself up after snorting bath salts. But he also said he'd done tons of drugs before then. "OH JEEZ A NEW WAY TA GET HIGH! LETS MAKE SUM STERYZ ABOUT HOW yoU'LL GO INSANE AND STAB yOUR FAMILY IF yOO USE IT!!11"
From Friday to Tuesday I pretty much decided to take a break from the internet to get baked with buds every single day within that span. During the day, friends and music... during the nights, crashing on the fucking couch (my bed has massive springs that dig into me, fuck that shit), eating shit-tons of food and watching Comedy Network till I pass out at 2:00 AM. It was awesome.
I've been clean/sober for 60 days and my mind is still burnt/fried and feel a lot of mental and pysical pain. And it requires a lot from people around me. It freaks me out because want to resort to driking/doing drugs and throw away how far have gotten. As of right now am prescibed Neurontin, but am not sure how effective it is. I still feel like flipping the fuck out.
The moment my bud gets back from Windsor (this Saturday or Sunday), I am going to do another one of those 4-5 day bake-offs, and it's gonna be awesome.

Right now, I would, but I have nobody to smoke up with. ;_;
Interesting shit happened while I was down in LA over the last week.

My friend brought down some shit his friend made which was basically a mix of liquid thc, pce, dxm, mdma, and multiple other drugs put together in various quantities forming some slightly black liquorice/grape tasting thick ass liquid that just completely fucked me to hell and back.

I downed it and ended up within about 20 minutes noticing that the ceiling was "made of multiple pieces" that shifted in and out and around like tectonic plates, then they soon started to undulate. Really weird.

Then I noticed lights coming from my laptop, and ended up noticing as I opened my screen seeing not my screen but multiple faeries. They told me that it was my duty to harvest as much light for them as possible. I then apparently "harvested" this special colored light that I kept seeing coming from my laptop...then my friend turned on the lights in the room and I couldn't see it anymore so I shouted at him to turn it off...he did then I could see the special light once again.

During this all we somehow decided that it would be a great idea to go on a quest for YumYum Doughnuts. We soon got lost and ended up wandering around town for a good few hours - pretty cold and just confused as fuck. Stopped into a Radission and asked this guy for directions, but we interpreted them completely wrong and ended up on a road that took us to the airport nearby. After wandering around even more we decided to try and find a way back to where we were staying (because despite calling people to help us out ... didn't register anything they said and continued to get further lost (oh and the entire time this is going on i'm "harvesting" light from street lights, traffic lights, shop signs etc.)... so we end up hopping a fence to get into the airport, get into it and notice a payphone so we thought to call for a cab! ONLY we didn't have any change so we decided to roll up some dollar bills and try to get them to work. Obviously it didn't, so I tried to break open one of the boxes that contains the airport staff phones, but soon quit...only to find out that there was an army man laying down in the airport so we tried to ask him for help...only to be ignored.

So we go outside, and call a cab ... from my cell that magically appeared. Get in and when we get back to where we were staying I just run in and ended up leaving my friend to foot the cab fare. because I HAD TO deliver the light i collected to the faerie lord.


Never did end up getting Yum Yum.