the altered state of consciousness thread

I've been clean/sober for 60 days and my mind is still burnt/fried and feel a lot of mental and pysical pain. And it requires a lot from people around me. It freaks me out because want to resort to driking/doing drugs and throw away how far have gotten. As of right now am prescibed Neurontin, but am not sure how effective it is. I still feel like flipping the fuck out.

gabapentin doesn't do shit. i was prescribed that for a while and it does nothing other than just zone you out. what do you have it prescribed for? if it's for anxiety and some intense issues then you might want to ask for some benzodiapines (spelling?) because they really do help (i've been prescribed ativan and klonopin and both relax you and really help though ativan will more put you to sleep). if you were an opiate addict however they might not want to prescribe you them because benzos can be addictive (depends on if you can handle it or not).

did you quit cold turkey from opiates and a really intense habit? thats probably the toughest thing and things like Suboxone can really help because its a way to taper off and get more used to regular life while not jumping straight in due to it basically taking up the opiate receptors so its hard to get high off other opiates while not giving you a full on opiate effect + it has a ceiling effect whereas methodone is just like another opiate and does not have that ceiling. if it's really hard and you feel like you're going to eventually relapse you should give suboxone a shot. It's obviously being on another drug but it fills up the receptors, is decently easy to taper, can improve mood a bit yet not get you extremely high so you can function and feel normal and then taper off to nothing instead of relapsing and going back into a habit or doing methodone and just getting hooked on a legal one.
So after casual use of marijuana for the past couple months (getting high once or twice a week on average), I have determined what my personal high is like.

It's not that great. I feel the effects very much, the pressure in my head etc, and the heightened physical sensitivity. But I don't like what it does to me mentally. It's like my mind slows down and there's a delay between me doing something and me comprehending what I'm doing or saying. That could go horribly wrong in certain contexts.

I got high off my rocker last night, went to bed, and woke up in the morning and still felt the residual effects (mainly the mental delay) through most of the day, and I was totally unproductive. I was in a fog and I didn't like it.

I don't think I'll stop using it. I never buy any for myself but my friends so often invite me to join them, but I will be turning down their offers more often.
For the longest time after my first two times with weed it made me paranoid as fuck.

I've been usin this fake shit called "LOL" and it nearly puts me to sleep.
The mind delay shit happens to me also, but I honestly enjoy it because everything is moving at such a slow pace for me so my brain can stop the thing that I was going to do if I don't think it's the right action.

*edit* You guys have some good weed up in Orono, my friend brought down some blue dream stuff and I was pretty high after sharing a bowl with him. Plus he's always bitching about how shitty the weed down here is.
I've been on spring break since last friday. I've been so stoned for 90% of break honestly. Its been really nice because I dont smoke at all when Im at my university. The best part is, whenever Im back in my home town, I always know where to get like the dankest weed ever. Anyways, I've got an interesting story. I was over at my friends house smoking a metric fuckton of the herbs and I was so fried. So I was just surfing the internet and I came across this naked picture of a girl I SWORE I knew in real life, and i got excited and my heart started to race. I mean, with all that blood pumping, it did something strange. like it was the most intense feeling. fukk
I was sitting on the couch earlier and felt like a vegatable. Like a baked potato with holes in it or something.
Dropped acid over Spring break, and what an experience it was. Started off at a park but really didn't start feeling anything til about an hour and a half later while my friend was driving us around. We ended up stopping at the library and that's when I began to trip. I started seeing a bunch of lights and colors and probably scared the shit out of all the Asians studying.

When I got back to my friend's basement, I started tripping hardcore and was definitely in another world. Fucking hallucinated a shitload and had a profound emotional experience as well. Fun times. The only shitty part was not being able to sleep afterwards, even after coming down completely.
It’s because it’s very hard to sum up into words for the most part. It actually started out like the stereotypical acid trip you see on tv and became even more dreamlike as it ramped up. At one point I fell into a wormhole and then came the indescribable. During the trip I would occasionally slip in and out of reality and my mind felt like it was traveling light speed.
Took some Mket today along with this spice this dude made that gets you extremely high off of a few hits. Bought some 2c-i that I will try tommorow.
I got blazed the other night for the first time in about 7-8 months. It was a good time. My brother has a mini water bong which I've never used before and it was pretty nice. Definitely a lot less harsh than smoking from a pipe or joint.

Naturally, after I started feeling good I went and stuffed my face with a bunch of random snacks in the kitchen and then proceeded to watch skate videos for like an hour. I distinctly remember being blown away watching these guys do crazy tricks because I'm not good at skating but it's fun and it's the closest thing to surfing around this shithole.

Anytime I smoke dope I end up tripping on the fact that I come to the conclusion that everything is interconnected in some way. Like when I was watching those skate videos I kept getting this sense that it was me who was doing the jumps and stuff. Then I started postulating how various words and sentences are identical in meaning. It's like an enlightening sensation as if I'm really starting to figure shit out.

Ok course a couple hours into being stoned I passed out on my bed like normal. Good times.

I'm trying to locate some DMT, but failing miserably. :erk:
Hell yeah,I actually can't think of anything better than getting whacked after a long hiatus and then veging to skateboarding vids.I'm thinking how awesome it would be to smoke some bongs and watch 'Animal Chin'.
I saw a doco the other week about westerners that have setup Ayahuasca(DMT) hotels in the amazon and have added that to my 'to do' list once I gain employment again,sounds like a life changing experience.
Mother of god, I think I came across some white widow and I looked up a picture, and the weed looked exactly the same, so I smoked it, and just now I walked around my apartment while I had a thought that was a mix of a Keeblen elf cookie commercial and exposing the bad things about Christianity and how questioning something around them makes them kill you.
I'm chemically dependent and a recovering alcoholic/addict. I've been in treatment since last summer and all I know is am usually in a lot of pain. I see councilers,etc.. and they told me regardless what happens or how you feel do not resort to drinking or using drugs. I was seeing a counciler today and was expiriencing a lot of pain in my head and was not sure if it was mental pain or something pysical. I wanted to check myself into a mental institution. She backed me which was nice. I did not no what else to do and thought it would be the best and most responsible thing. They just gave me and presrcibed me painkillers and than sent me home. She said something about 'stress',etc... Basically my head becomes overloaded and than it manisests into pain because don't know how to control/filter anything. I get overwelmed and have anxiety/panic attacks. It's interesting because they know am a recovering alcoholic/addict, but they give me drugs because I need them. Instead of drinking and than putting myself on the streets or back into my old way with people to score drugs. So in a lot of ways this is better. And being have been put into this treatment and how much it's changed me. I feel like people,etc.. that told me to do this and what's happened to me by doing all these things in someways are responsible for my pain and how I feel. Because even though it gives you a lot of realization and insight in yourself and a million other things. It also fucking hurts. I do not soley place blame on myself for my life or pain. I don't expect to feel any different because I know why I am in a lot of pain. Anyone who's lived life the sameway making the same choices and not going anywhere knows what am talking about, but if am suppose to not drink or do drugs and change,etc.... it's not easy because I don't know what's it's like. Atleast before I did not know. As in ignorance is bliss and sometimes wish I still was like I was.
The thing is I would have liked to stay. I was starting to feel alittle better and there was some really hot nurses. I could have layed in a bed and they would have brought me water and gingerale. And from my expriences nurses like me a lot, they have fun treating me. There's something about it. Every nurse creamed when I was there.