I've been clean/sober for 60 days and my mind is still burnt/fried and feel a lot of mental and pysical pain. And it requires a lot from people around me. It freaks me out because want to resort to driking/doing drugs and throw away how far have gotten. As of right now am prescibed Neurontin, but am not sure how effective it is. I still feel like flipping the fuck out.
gabapentin doesn't do shit. i was prescribed that for a while and it does nothing other than just zone you out. what do you have it prescribed for? if it's for anxiety and some intense issues then you might want to ask for some benzodiapines (spelling?) because they really do help (i've been prescribed ativan and klonopin and both relax you and really help though ativan will more put you to sleep). if you were an opiate addict however they might not want to prescribe you them because benzos can be addictive (depends on if you can handle it or not).
did you quit cold turkey from opiates and a really intense habit? thats probably the toughest thing and things like Suboxone can really help because its a way to taper off and get more used to regular life while not jumping straight in due to it basically taking up the opiate receptors so its hard to get high off other opiates while not giving you a full on opiate effect + it has a ceiling effect whereas methodone is just like another opiate and does not have that ceiling. if it's really hard and you feel like you're going to eventually relapse you should give suboxone a shot. It's obviously being on another drug but it fills up the receptors, is decently easy to taper, can improve mood a bit yet not get you extremely high so you can function and feel normal and then taper off to nothing instead of relapsing and going back into a habit or doing methodone and just getting hooked on a legal one.