the altered state of consciousness thread

I may be buying some shrooms later this week. Hopefully they'll work, because I'm on two anti-depressants. If one doesn't work, I'll just eat a shitload.
Any speed freaks here? Not talking about crystal,just real nice speed imo there is no better drug.It's like everything seems electrified and makes one feel truely alive.
I'm in the process of refining my experience of being high off pot. Before it made me absolutely useless. But I'm tackling more and more with the fact that because my perception of time slows down, I don't slow down with it and can actually access a lot more of my intellect and ideas while in that state. It's like I can see (intuitively) my thoughts more objectively as they arise, because I somehow become a referent looking at my own intellect as itself an object of thought. It allows me to be more critical of my own ideas and think differently than when I'm sober. It's because this self-referent is moving faster in time than the objects of my thought and I can more easily "catch" them and analyze them.

I first noticed this on Friday night when I got high and started reading Greek. I could read it better than sober. Then I started thinking about the project I'm doing on Homer's Iliad. I thought about it different and new ideas came up. The next step I must take is to respond to those thoughts more proactively, at least by writing them down then coming back to them when sober.

But the cost of all this is that when I get high one night, most of the next day I feel residual effects and it annoys me, like I'm a DMZ between the two states.
I feel a lot less sluggish after I take a nice dump after a night of smoking a lot of weed. Either that or I wake and bake.
I never get those residual effects. My highs are pretty much like the way Zeph described, except I also have a tendency to make up words, most of which I don't remember when I'm sober.
I've had the residual effect all day tonight after last night. Though it's weird, because today I felt really relaxed. Maybe this stuff was just what the doctor ordered.
I plan on restricting use to the weekends and maybe Wednesday nights since I don't teach on Thursdays, at least until these high-overs cease to be a concern. I'm not risking my job.
I'm in the process of refining my experience of being high off pot. Before it made me absolutely useless. But I'm tackling more and more with the fact that because my perception of time slows down, I don't slow down with it and can actually access a lot more of my intellect and ideas while in that state. It's like I can see (intuitively) my thoughts more objectively as they arise, because I somehow become a referent looking at my own intellect as itself an object of thought. It allows me to be more critical of my own ideas and think differently than when I'm sober. It's because this self-referent is moving faster in time than the objects of my thought and I can more easily "catch" them and analyze them.


Any speed freaks here? Not talking about crystal,just real nice speed imo there is no better drug.It's like everything seems electrified and makes one feel truely alive.

I've done Adderall, Bath salts, and Cocaine. I don't speed anywhere near as much as I want to though, because of cost.
Adderall while smoking spice is fucking amazing.
It's pretty much a once in a while thing for me.
:lol: Sounds dumb as hell and is supposedly horrible for your health, but that shit will get you speedin'.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Michigan has already made them illegal as they havn't been available to me for quite a while now.

One of my friends says they're a death sentance.
Is it uncommon after two weeks of not smoking any, after a few hoots off a joint (read: not much at all, literally 3-4 hoots), for one to just black out?

The green is usually an everyday thing for me, but for the past two weeks I haven't touched it at all. Two nights ago though, a bud of mine decided to bring down a small little j, so I had a few drags and:

  • I got massive headwaves, and during these headwaves, my vision became severely impaired by what looked like a layer of TV static over my eyes.
  • My hearing became similarly impaired.
  • During these headwaves, my legs started to shudder like crazy and I experienced trouble standing.
  • I guess I fainted, because after a certain point I can't remember a single thing; I do, however, remember the point where I came to after blacking out and crumpling, my bud holding me up by my arms asking if I was fine.

I am not currently on any medications, and health-wise I am fine. I am not worried, just puzzled as to why this happened. I was just wondering if anyone else had had similar experiences?
Yeah I'm pretty sure Michigan has already made them illegal as they havn't been available to me for quite a while now.

One of my friends says they're a death sentance.

I'm surprised that they haven't already made bath salts illegal in Illinois considering that it's pretty much illegal to breath here.

I am not currently on any medications, and health-wise I am fine. I am not worried, just puzzled as to why this happened. I was just wondering if anyone else had had similar experiences?

Sounds like something that would happen after smoking spice but not the green. Maybe your friend's stuff was laced or mixed with something. It also could have been moldy.
The last time I got drunk and high at the same time, I kept telling my friend "you will neva understand smokin' 'til ya understand da taste of da paper."