the altered state of consciousness thread

Is it uncommon after two weeks of not smoking any, after a few hoots off a joint (read: not much at all, literally 3-4 hoots), for one to just black out?

The green is usually an everyday thing for me, but for the past two weeks I haven't touched it at all. Two nights ago though, a bud of mine decided to bring down a small little j, so I had a few drags and:

  • I got massive headwaves, and during these headwaves, my vision became severely impaired by what looked like a layer of TV static over my eyes.
  • My hearing became similarly impaired.
  • During these headwaves, my legs started to shudder like crazy and I experienced trouble standing.
  • I guess I fainted, because after a certain point I can't remember a single thing; I do, however, remember the point where I came to after blacking out and crumpling, my bud holding me up by my arms asking if I was fine.

I am not currently on any medications, and health-wise I am fine. I am not worried, just puzzled as to why this happened. I was just wondering if anyone else had had similar experiences?

Only thing I could think of, since you weren't on any other meds, is that it is an odd case of sensitization, which is the opposite of tolerance. From what I've learned so far (in my psychopharmacology class) it's pretty unusual with weed, but I guess there's still a possibility.
zabu of nΩd;10023581 said:
Your friend should learn how to spell

And you should learn to use periods instead of being on one....:grin:

Sentence..sentance...santanz..fuck it.

As for smoking pot and drinking, I've heard that the pot actually protects brain cells from the alcohol.
Alcohol is something that I stay away from for the most part. Spending the next day throwing up with a headache. No thank you.
Weird shit can happen. I had a seizure after drinking wine and smoking a joint once. Has never happened again.

According to my bud, I guess when I crumpled to the ground, he said it looked like I had seized. Eyes rolled back into my head and all. I have no recollection of this whatsoever, the point where I remember coming back to reality was him holding me up by my arms, asking if I was fine.

Sounds like something that would happen after smoking spice but not the green. Maybe your friend's stuff was laced or mixed with something. It also could have been moldy.

It's possible. Regardless, I won't smoke this dude's stuff again, at least not until he reloads with something else. I've known this kid for years, and smoked with him for months now, and this is the first time this has happened.
Something to try if any of you havn't (or to improve on if you have ;) )

The next time you use a substance, actually use it, e.g., have a goal for using it (or simply realize that you are already using it for a goal).

This is opposed to abusing it, in other words just getting fucked up because you like how it makes your body feel.

While using, think about what you truly want in life. For most people this can be boiled down to simply being at peace with ones self:
In example:

"I want to be rich" Why?
blahblahblah You eventualy get to:
"I want to be happy" How is this achieved?

One way you can answer this is: "Stop wanting"
This is much harder to live by at first then it is to "think" about.
So simply start with the thought.
Don't want life.
Don't want death.
How is this achieved? By understanding and being satisfied with the simple fact that you exist.

Being at peace with yourself.

From this you have the ability, if you want, to be at peace with the existence of everything else.

Through this you can, for lack of better words, control how you feel in every sense of the word simply because you realize that you've had the ability to do so ever since you were born.

I believe this is how depression in any severity can be cured.
At least it is how I have cured mine (as far as I know, only the rest of my life will tell).
And the best way to understand a sickness is to first have that sickness.

This is the idea. I'm still working on finding words to describe what ever the fuck I'm beginning to feel. :lol:
Who knows for sure? Maybe I'm in an early stage of some sort of psychosis?
Maybe psychosis is a word other people use to describe a body that is in "auto-pilot", i.e., the true self(soul) has exited before the body has died?

In the end this is what my thoughts while high have led to at the momment, or at least what I can put to words so far.
A feeling realized while being high, but one that remains after you are done being high.

...That or tl;dr :lol:
So this is a landmark moment for me. All the times before that I would smoke pot and get high, I'd end up acting like an animal, mainly eating and watching porno, and listen to music, namely, indulge my senses rather than my intellect. Well, tonight, after a bunch of the aforementioned behavior, I suddenly sat down at my computer and just started writing every thought as it came to mind, and I started THINKING in such an awesome way that everything I had been thinking intellectually the past YEAR has now all fallen into one coherent philosophical system. This is fucking awesome and potentially useful.
Welcome to pretty much every time I get high. When I'm high, I gain a better macro view of the world. Tons of little details of stuff I've experienced, examined, or learned that I've overlooked actually come together for me.

However, none of that happens if I hang out with people. I end up acting like a dinosaur.
People snort them. I wouldn't recommend it. People have died from the actual salts themselves, as well as from doing dangerous things due to the hallucinations.
I'm really glad I didn't have a real source of income when I was doing bath salts. All I've heard since they were outlawed isn't good :lol:

I've still been smoking spice every night and still only have good things to say about it. About blew my mind open with butylone and all the random MDMA based shit that my raver friends are constantly doing and have taken a slight break. :lol: Picture me rolling ballz, walking into a hardings with a friend and talking to people in a way similar to my posts from a while back(or a few posts up)...good times.

Being high around people is fun, but I prefer being high when I am alone.

@Zeph: Have you tried just getting high and sitting in silence/darkness?
I mixed rock(ice) with base speed last night,well for the last few nights actually and it's been a horrible few days.It's weird how this drugs effects change over time,it used to be an exhilarating experience but it just gets worse over time and makes you feel like a dirty fucking junky.I'm finished with this shit for good.
There should be a show called The Highnosaurs. It's about talking dinosaurs that are high all the time.
I have always sworn by the bong/bubbler but lately when I smoke which is very rarely I go for one of those little pipes.Harsh as fuck but it takes half the amount of weed compared to a bong,a couple of small cones or hits or whatever you guys call them is enough to get wasted.
I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict, but I still smoke Herb occasionally. Fuck booze. Shit sucks.