the altered state of consciousness thread

Das Bunker is a fun place man. Ive been raging there for fucking years...Not so much anymore because the music is getting kinda weak. The Noise room downstairs is the only real part left of Das Bunker....Oh, and the tacos.

But yeah man, you hit it on the head, you cant unless its dirty. Just a word of caution, if your dose was a pressed pill, it could be cut with fucking anything...Not neccesarily pure. Might be worth getting a test kit to know.

Yeah I love that place; have no idea what it used to be like since I'm fairly new to LA, but the noise room is rad. In general I love having three rooms with such different kinds of music playing.

My friends ordered this stuff from Amsterdam and if it's not pure it's damn close. These guys are pretty picky with their E, so I trust what they give me. But yeah if you're just buying from someone at the club it could be cut with anything.
Took phenomenal ecsacy at a goth club Friday night. No methy-jitters, no depressive come-down. Danced for four straight hours. So much fun. Still have half the pill left. Debating whether or not I should take it at a concert or take it on my own and try writing while listening to music. Any of you ever done ecstacy while alone? I think it could be an interesting expiriment.

I have never, only at parties. Fucking love it.

How's candy flipping?

Also has anyone successfully found 2ci or have anything to say about it?

For science obviosuly
speed / coke is the best drug reportedly and the only one I would entertain the prospect of taking (but wouldn't)
no but they are related drugs chemically.

no, not really

the drug cocaine is made from a plant

what you're calling "speed" is made a mixture of things that don't mix in nature, completely "synthetic" and nowhere near being "chemically similar" to cocaine except that they are both "stimulants"
imho they are similar compared to some of the other shit I've taken, like fucking shrooms, weed, ecstsasy, hmmm not much else

heroin can fuck off. and whatever that animal tranquilgayser that gays use to loosen their buttcheeks can fuck off.
I prefer shit that is psychedlic and non habit forming. You could say MDMA doesnt meet this criteria, but I argue if its a pure source that it does.

imho they are similar compared to some of the other shit I've taken, like fucking shrooms, weed, ecstsasy, hmmm not much else.
Are you saying that weed and shrooms are similar to coke and speed?
I could do with some speed right now. Then I could go boogie dancin in the clubs and got chat up some sluts and bring them back for some nice warm anal.
I need to clear up my room though shit.

Fuck. I wish I had a cleaner. She could be my cock slave.
I prefer shit that is psychedlic and non habit forming. You could say MDMA doesnt meet this criteria, but I argue if its a pure source that it does.

Are you saying that weed and shrooms are similar to coke and speed?

he's saying that speed and coke are similar in that they are different than weed and shrooms
I was quite the speedfreak, but I decided to lay off the speed/amphetamines for awhile. As much as it makes me feel alive and motivated, I find it to be way too habit forming and tolerance prone to safely utilize it in everyday life. I really don't know how Lemmy managed to live so long. Also the withdrawal symptoms aren't even worth it anymore.
Took phenomenal ecsacy at a goth club Friday night. No methy-jitters, no depressive come-down. Danced for four straight hours. So much fun. Still have half the pill left. Debating whether or not I should take it at a concert or take it on my own and try writing while listening to music. Any of you ever done ecstacy while alone? I think it could be an interesting expiriment.

How does one score ecstasy without going to a club?
I have never, only at parties. Fucking love it.

How's candy flipping?

Never candyflipped, but probably will this summer. Everyone has done it has told me its awesome.

Still considering a solo E trip. Would give me a chance to do things I could never do in a group, i.e. listen to a Mahler symphony on full blast, which I think could be unfathomably good.

speed / coke is the best drug and the only one I would entertain the prospect of taking again.

Hate that crap. Every time I've done coke I've cried afterward and gotten severely depressed. It seriously doesn't sit well with me. And I think the high is severely overrated.

How does one score ecstasy without going to a club?

Internet apparently. But I would imagine most drug dealers can get ahold of it with relative ease. Being in the LA area you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.
My goal is primarily to avoid habit forming anything. It's somewhat difficult for me as I believe I am hard wired to get addicted to stuff and therefore set rules for myself like "MDMA 4x/year" and "no coke again ever."

The last time I had MDMA I had what I believe was very high quality stuff from London - no shitty comedown as I've had with impure shit in capsules before.

I KNOW I would LOVE speed but I just...I can't. The last time I took mushrooms, which was only the second time, I ate an 1/8th and had a grand time for a few hours - but as soon as I felt it wearing off I got super anxious and crammed as much more into my face as I could. I HATE that feeling more than anything, makes me feel like a subhuman fiend.