the altered state of consciousness thread

General health and lifestyle, i'm really big into weightlifting.
But i was never really addicted, i stuck mostly to hallucnogens and that was a few years ago now so i have no problem staying sober.
Had my 3rd AMT experience yesterday and it wasn't nearly what I had expected. My roll and trip were not nearly as intense as the previous two times I had done it, and it's speedy effects and body load were ten times more pronounced. Little visuals, little psychedelic headspace, but still a teeth chattering, limb shaking body load as if I was rolling super hard but without the euphoria. sucks too because it was my girlfriends first trip and I had talked it up so much because of my very positive first two experiences. Whatever. Better luck next time.
I wanna do some more acid soon, preferably during the day. Sitting in my room while losing everything base (that's the best word I could think of to describe it while tripping. I mean like every little axiom, idea, symbol, association etc. that I base everything that goes on in my mind on) was kind of nerve-wracking. Not to mention the three or so hours after the trip when I concluded that every action, dream, thought, etc. from my entire life was arbitrary and meaningless because I asked "why?" to every single thought automatically.

I want to do more taking in stuff next time, and less scrambling around inside my head, even though it was pretty cool. The unnatural, unnamed emotions were pretty cool, too.
trip in the right setting or during a night out. sometimes tripping in one room all night can be cool, with friends, but sometimes it's hard to get the "message" unless you set yourself up with the right circumstances.
Tripping inside is cool, I just try to go outside for a few minutes to change my setting and I'll roll up a joint or some shit. I also make sure I have shit to do if I start to get negative.
trip in the right setting or during a night out. sometimes tripping in one room all night can be cool, with friends, but sometimes it's hard to get the "message" unless you set yourself up with the right circumstances.

I don't think I'd enjoy it with friends. I typically like to use substances alone to think, reflect, and do stuff, and people talking to me usually ruins it. Also, acid makes it hard for me to speak because I tend to think purely conceptually rather than symbolically. If one of them's doing something that makes the trip bad, it would be difficult to explain why they should stop.
Had my 3rd AMT experience yesterday and it wasn't nearly what I had expected. My roll and trip were not nearly as intense as the previous two times I had done it, and it's speedy effects and body load were ten times more pronounced. Little visuals, little psychedelic headspace, but still a teeth chattering, limb shaking body load as if I was rolling super hard but without the euphoria. sucks too because it was my girlfriends first trip and I had talked it up so much because of my very positive first two experiences. Whatever. Better luck next time.

goof. You have no idea what it means to trip balls kid.
been up a bit on some amphetamine. hella high on ganj and got plenty of smokes. welcome to the morning

i love drugs and music. uppers and metal seem to go well together and these gentlemen agree with me:

sometimes, as i examine videos or interviews of musicians i think, "god, they're high."

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goof. You have no idea what it means to trip balls kid.

...okay? I've actually tripped hundreds of times off many different compounds, about every mainstream and many obscure drugs. Even the AMT I was complaining about I'd done 3 different times. I think I might know what it's like to "trip balls"

Anyway, I've been fucking around with an extremely potent synthetic cannabanoid the past few days called AM2201. It's pretty notorious for being active at low doses and there's some gruesome stories of overdose at dosages as low as 2-10 mg. Imagine being so stoned-cannabis stoned-that you thrash about and have a seizure while vomiting and hallucinating. Possibly die. It's known for inducing an effect called "the fear" at high doses.

I've had pretty good luck with it, making sure to keep my dose low and spaced out. I had a rough time with it the first day, getting a little overzealous with dose, but I learned my lesson and have been getting incredibly high from nearly nothing for the past two days. useful if you use it right. a lot cheaper than the best weed money can buy.
Did acid again last night and had the total opposite of self-transcendence. I looked inside of myself way too deep, but now I'm outside of it and everything's fine. It kind of shook me up, though.

Besides that, I listened to Loveless and it was something else. There was stuff in the music that wasn't there before, that's for sure. Blown a Wish was probably the highlight for me. It kind of freaked me out, but it was really chill, too.

Edit: The line "fall apart my bleeding heart, nothing left to do, once in love, I'll be the death of you" keeps playing in my head and I stopped tripping about four hours ago. When I was tripping, it gave me this mixture of exhilaration, fear, awe, and comfort.
I did mescaline and shrooms at the same time a few days ago. It was the strongest trip I've ever had. In the shower, I felt like my body disappeared and I had to touch it to make sure it was still there. Then it felt like my body didn't belong to me and was moving on its own. Then I started laying down in bed and thinking about my life and humanity. The pique was about four hours, but felt like eight, and a lot of it consisted of a very long thought loop because I figured out what I wanted to, but kept thinking. After the pique, my brain was so tired that five hours passed feeling like one.

Last night I did more shrooms and had a pretty deep trip. I realized things like why I am the way I am and why people act the way they do and I started talking really fast to myself and at some points, screaming. It really outraged me how people will make their comfort zones really small, their expectations really specific, then walk around glum and grumpy, like the world is so fucked up. It outrages me certain paradoxes that exist in people's minds. Things like feeling a burden in caring what people think, but being scared to not care what they think because of what they would think. Things like never wanting to be wronged or to have someone inflict pain on them, yet justifying it when they do it to others. They justify it because they know damn well they shouldn't. If they felt it was right, they'd need not justify it. We do not justify brushing our teeth or eating breakfast because when we do those things, we know we're not wronging anyone. Yet when we insult someone or fuck them over, it's because they were a bitch, it's because they had it coming, because they deserved it.

The most infuriating part of all, messages like "do unto others" and "drop the hatchet," "put down the gun, and have some fun, nigga" are all over the fucking place, different regions, religions, time periods, subcultures, and art forms, yet people just don't fully understand them. Those things are not something you promise to yourself once, or things you can call yourself a good person for realizing. You have to do them. Realizing you're a bad person doesn't make you a good person, nor does realizing what a good person is. You have to be it. You have to do nice things. Yet people think they're the exception, that the rules are not all-encompassing. That there is ever a time in which hurting another person is a good thing. It's not. They don't seem to connect the dots that the one who hurt us because they're just an asshole might have had just as much justification as we did when we hurt another person. But we're not assholes. Sure we're not.

We have so much more potential to connect to others, but we choose not to. So many of our thoughts get lost in expression. We have to figure out ways to say what we mean without saying what we mean, diluting and confusing our messages. We waste time, effort, and create unnecessary discomfort and fear because it's taboo to express our thoughts as they appear in our heads.

Just remembered another annoying paradox. The outrage/resentment/annoyance we feel at our feelings not being understood, and our unwillingness to understand the feelings of others. Most of all, I find it messed up how people act like I'm crazy/creepy for wanting to have deep conversations with random strangers. I think it's awesome. You experience perspectives and information that you could have never imagined confined to the specific groups you seek. It's enrichment of your mind that can change your life in a short period of time. It's amazing when "nerdy-looking Asian girl in coffee shop" turns into a meaningful novel, when "old, poor redneck man" becomes a funny guy with lots of insight into the under-the-radar business of the town, when "random black Muslim man in a bagel place" becomes a captivating story of leaving the inner-city for a better, more meaningful life outside of fear and death.
The problems you describe are just part of being human. We don't practice what we preach, we put on masks in front of other people because we don't want to be hurt. We cannot trust strangers like that. It's instinctual.