the altered state of consciousness thread

I can smoke weed for 2,3 days or once in awile and not touch the stuff for months. I've always been like that. There is aspects I enjoy about it and than some I do not. Which is why I can't smoke it on a basis. After I started having insecurities and problems as an adult it somehow affected my high. As a teenager you don't really have problems or as much insight on your self and life. I do not go to Rehab anymore, but once I started going to Rehab and was in institutions really realised how fucked up I was and the pain of my actions. And different insights. So it actually sometimes makes smoking or drinking strange because of my perception now and what happened to me. Smoking sometimes effects my psyche meds. Once I was sober for a long period of time I got all fucked up in my head. I started having anxiety,etc...

Good post. This is pretty much exactly why I don't smoke weed anymore and why I am working on quitting drinking. I never got to the level of needing rehab but I do have a drinking problem and my actions while drinking have always been pretty outrageous, for better or for worse. I've been sober since last Thursday and I hope to keep that up.
Kevin from MDF told me about his experience on it while at a Sphongle concert. He said he "stopped existing" and pretty much "became the universe." Definitely some kind of unio mystica with the Divine Mind going on there.

He also said it releases the same chemicals that the brain releases when we die.

Enjoy your Bastille Birthday!
It does, the pineal gland in your brain produces it also at birth and in dream states. Shit is cray cray.

Kevin smoked DMT at Shpongle concert? Damn. I thought dosing on LSD was intense enough lol

For an interesting movie on DMT, watch Enter The Void. Its a trip (pun intended)
Well the juice worked, ended up falling asleep about 7 hours in the trip, woke up to piss and I'm still watching the floors and walls decay and fall into each other.
Got some shrooms about an hour and a half ago. Ate a cap an hour ago, since the dealer promised it would fuck me up. Nothing happened. I just ate two other similar-sized pieces a couple minutes ago.
pretty easily. it's only a half gram of powder, and it's usually sent in an inconspicuous letter, wrapped in paper, a birthday card, last time in a christmas CD, etc.

It always slips through. Most of the stuff I get mailed is unscheduled and obscure, so even if it did get seized it would have to get pushed through. I've actually never had a single thing i've gotten in the mail seized by customs, no matter how illegal, from pharmaceutical grade Etizolam pills (a foreign benzo) to opium poppies.
pretty easily. it's only a half gram of powder, and it's usually sent in an inconspicuous letter, wrapped in paper, a birthday card, last time in a christmas CD, etc.

It always slips through. Most of the stuff I get mailed is unscheduled and obscure, so even if it did get seized it would have to get pushed through. I've actually never had a single thing i've gotten in the mail seized by customs, no matter how illegal, from pharmaceutical grade Etizolam pills (a foreign benzo) to opium poppies.


how about you try to convince your girlfriend to go to college on the other side of the country from where she went to highschool??