the altered state of consciousness thread

I've smoked weed twice... both times I had been drinking and really didn't notice anything outside of a strange feeling in the back of my head. I don't know that I would want to try anything else. Most other drugs seem to either be highly addictive or have effects I'm not even interested in like hallucination. All I'd really like to get is a much more intense high you sometimes get off a good cup of coffee- focused yet relaxed and better able to appreciate music, etc.

I should probably give pot another try sober. I've done some reading and it looks like there's 2 types- sativa and indica...with indica being the more mellow/meditative type I'd like to try... I just wanna veg out to some music, games or movies and just have a better overall experience would be all I'm looking for.
Depending on the strain, pure indica pretty much doesn't do much more than make you tired. It can relieve pain, stimulate appetite, and create a kind of warm feeling in your body, but doesn't do much at all to your mental state.

You'd probably be best smoking a small amount of a hybrid. So long as you minimize distraction, it'll be very easy to relax and get engrossed in things. Pure sativa, and you might get too jumpy. Pure indica, and you'll probably just fall asleep.
I really wanna try that, but after my brain fully recovers from all the damage from my months of heavy psychedelics use.
No. I just get eye twitches and funny feelings in my frontal lobes. It used to be worse. I'd get the eye twitches and funny feelings in my brain, but stronger, as well as a tingling and itching all over my head that tended to occur with a feeling that I was surrounded by chaos because I couldn't filter anything out of my surroundings. Worst of all, a feeling that my limbs were moving involuntarily, even though I was controlling them. It used to happen in my arms and legs, but hasn't happened in a while. Those feelings mostly happened when I smoked weed while on acid, and the worst was when I did shrooms and mescaline at the same time.

I did a psychedelic about every couple days, and in rather heavy doses unless I took a break. The most I did in a short period of time was 15 hits of acid over three days.

Still, I'm apprehensive about trying acid again. Last time I got stupidly idealistic, thinking I could change the world and wanting to solve everyone's problems.
That sounds like HPPD! How did you even find all that shit? I guess not everywhere is a desert like upstate're in Northern CA right?

How is mescaline?
I live near Baltimore and I happened to stumble upon a circle of hippies with a lot of drug knowledge and connections stretching to the west coast.

Mescaline is like acid, but milder. Its effects blend better with weed. The visuals are different. They're more angular and predictable. Other than that, not much of a difference. I did a pretty low dose when I used it without the accompaniment of another psychedelic.

Mixing it with shrooms was terrible. It was like the most intense part of an acid trip tenfold and lasting for about five hours. It felt like double that, though. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant or horrifying, just really intense. It was like the last part of a train of thought on acid that you can't comprehend the end of, but stretched over hours.
I drank last week and it made what seems to be HPPD worse. After a few days, my eye twitches have gone down. It's pretty much down to the funny feelings in the front of my brain. Also, part of my mouth used to twitch when I closed my left eye, but that pretty much never happens anymore. I wonder how long this will take to go away completely. It's kind of annoying.
Yikes. Sounds terrible.

I ate some mushrooms Saturday on a canoe trip, was amazing, chill and not anxious at all until I smoked herbs.
I drank last week and it made what seems to be HPPD worse. After a few days, my eye twitches have gone down. It's pretty much down to the funny feelings in the front of my brain. Also, part of my mouth used to twitch when I closed my left eye, but that pretty much never happens anymore. I wonder how long this will take to go away completely. It's kind of annoying.

you gonna see a doctor about this??
I had a great ecstasy trip last week. Took it with some friends at a Burning Man party. I had several really important breakthroughs.

First, I really found peace, acceptance and understanding of a lot of religious ideas I've felt anger and resentment toward for most of my adolescence and adult life. I finally understand on a existential level the meaning of Hell and why people place so much importance in it. It's people's way of communicating the profundity of the pain we create for others and most importantly, the pain and suffering we create for ourselves; our self-destruction, self-abuse and self-degradation. A lot of this is coming from me reading the Quran. This is the first time I've truly read a religious text as an adult and I'm realizing that even though I disagree with the concept of God and absolute values for philosophical reasons, I feel like the essence of the text really transcends all of that and speaks to something more fundamental the human condition: our actions have profound impacts on ourselves and others and we need to be conscious of that fact and should live our lives in a way that brigs everyone in our community to a higher state of consciousness.

There was a lot of other stuff. I finally am becoming more comfortable with my body and releasing a lot of the inhibitions I built up when I was young.

But the best thing is my positive gains have really been sustained. All week I've been having continuous breakthroughs. I'm finally finding myself able to admit the ways I hold myself back, the ways I reject myself or set myself up to fail. It's really quite amazing and for the first time I don't just want to change these negative aspects of myself but genuinely see how I can do it. So much of it is just about rejecting negative thought patterns and choosing action over nonaction and fear.

I'm going to Lightning in a Bottle this week and will definitely be taking at least ecstasy and cactus. We'll see what else we get our hands on, but I feel like I'm gonna gain a lot from this festival.
Wow. That's rad. Most of my MDMA experiences involve the realization a day later that the whole thing is vapid.

6-APB is almost 10/10. More euphoric than any MDMA.
Wow. That's rad. Most of my MDMA experiences involve the realization a day later that the whole thing is vapid.

6-APB is almost 10/10. More euphoric than any MDMA.

Yeah I think having a productive E trip is all about the right setting, people and thoughts. Have you ever tried taking it one on one with your boyfriend? That can be an amazing experience.

Never tried 6-APB but we're gonna try and get ahold of moonrocks this weekend which supposedly more euphoric than mali. We'll see.