the altered state of consciousness thread

Months of doing acid and shrooms pretty much every week. At one point I went through fifteen hits in three days.
Have not seen this thread before, wow. Glad to see it's about what I thought it was.

It's crazy because I was just prescribed Klonopin, and took it for the first time ever a few minutes ago... and let me tell you, I feel AWESOME. Hopefully soon I'll get to the point where I break out of my shell - I've had social anxiety/moodswings for most of my life and I'd say it's really held me back. Need to make some changes in my life.

My college friends were into drugs (as I said, I'm kinda crazy myself, so I naturally gravitate towards crazy people.) I was older than they were, but I was still really innocent. Basically I tried everything once or twice, just to say I did it - coke, acid, molly, salvia (WORST 15 minutes ever, not worth it) and some other prescription stuff. Felt kinda sketchy for doing it, but my friends were all screwing up way worse.

I'll be completely honest and say that smoking weed is my favorite thing to do. I've been on SSRIs and mood stabilizers for years, yet this is all natural. Plus there's nothing like passing a j around with your buddies. Once I get a job (and therefore don't have to worry about drug tests) I'm gonna start smoking regularly again. Gonna be careful I don't get too lazy though.

When I visit my friends up at school in a couple weeks (as I unfortunately can't go back) I want to either trip or roll with them. Gonna be quite a bit of shmokin' and dank brews as well (only alcohol I ever drink.) Should be a fun weekend.
salvia (WORST 15 minutes ever, not worth it)[/B] and some other prescription stuff. Felt kinda sketchy for doing it, but my friends were all screwing up way worse.

Yeah, salvia was the worst experience of my life. I literally thought I was dying or existence was ending. I was overcome with terror and loss all sense of my body. All I could feel was violence and destruction slowly closing in on "me". When I started coming to some girl was holding me; I thought it was my aunt and I thought I had escaped a burning building. When she told me I was on drugs I was terrified. I thought police or psychiatrists were gonna take me away to a psyche ward. Scary as fuck.

In real life I had climbed up a bookshelf, fallen, knocked over a lamp and started ramming my head into the wall. I only started to calm down when the chick grabbed me.
Yeah, salvia was the worst experience of my life. I literally thought I was dying or existence was ending. I was overcome with terror and loss all sense of my body. All I could feel was violence and destruction slowly closing in on "me". When I started coming to some girl was holding me; I thought it was my aunt and I thought I had escaped a burning building. When she told me I was on drugs I was terrified. I thought police or psychiatrists were gonna take me away to a psyche ward. Scary as fuck.

In real life I had climbed up a bookshelf, fallen, knocked over a lamp and started ramming my head into the wall. I only started to calm down when the chick grabbed me.

Wow, guess my experience wasn't that bad? I was with my friend (who had also taken it) and ended up rocking back and forth on a bench, losing control, seeing all kinds of flashing lights, until I heard a guy say "is he jacking off?" which brought me right back to reality in total embarrassment. Definitely the hardest trip I've ever had, thank god it was so short.

Whenever I've done acid, it was never enough. I need to do it again. With molly, but it wasn't really anything new, it felt like the hypomanic state that my bipolar takes me from time to time without drugs. Actually I'm taking drugs right now so I don't feel that right now. Ironic, isn't it?

And don't even get me started with coke. It's a waste of money drug that only rich wastes of space use. Shit shouldn't even exist.

By the way, when you said Cactus, did you mean Peyote? That's on my bucket list...
I've never tried that, but if it is anything like then that is going to be an interesting time

I don't think they're too similar really. 4-aco-DMT is psilacetin and is reportedly very shroomish.

What can I say, I want to try everything eventually, but I don't want to pull a Vimana and give myself the HPPD.

Salvia sounds dysphoric and scary - a friend has broken through on it but I would rather just smoke n,n DMT for that.
And don't even get me started with coke. It's a waste of money drug that only rich wastes of space use. Shit shouldn't even exist.

By the way, when you said Cactus, did you mean Peyote? That's on my bucket list...

Yeah coke fucking sucks. I've taken it twice and I thought the high was overrated and the comedown was terrible.

No, it was ayahuasca.

What can I say, I want to try everything eventually, but I don't want to pull a Vimana and give myself the HPPD.

Salvia sounds dysphoric and scary - a friend has broken through on it but I would rather just smoke n,n DMT for that.

HPPD is small risk every time you take a psychedelic, but it's more likely to occur if you take too many drugs for too long. Just always give yourself recovery time after serious psychedelic use.

And yeah, don't do salvia. As bad as it looks in those videos, it feels 1000 times worse.
Yeah. Plus using psychedelics on the regular kind of ruins tripping + regular life.

I'm a happy and stable person, things like datura/scopolamine and salvia that are known to be dysphoric have no appeal. Also, coke/crack/mephedrone have no appeal because their short duration + fiendishness would be terrible for someone like me who if given a "pleasure" button would push it until my crotch fell off.
there's alot of stupid people out there

there's actually alot of idiot who won't get intoxicated because they really believe these myths about drugs

Yeah I hear the "it's ok, it's natural" or "I only do drugs that come from the earth," spiel so often it kills me. There's no logic to it at all. There are plenty of natural plants that will kill and plenty of synthetic substances that will not. There's no foundation for this belief at all.
I've only done coke twice too, I had a friend 2 years ago who was basically addicted. I always felt like it was more of a status symbol. Especially considered the way that crack is viewed entirely differently. Stupid fucking drug.

And I've never heard of ayahuasca? Gonna read up about it now...
Yeah I hear the "it's ok, it's natural" or "I only do drugs that come from the earth," spiel so often it kills me. There's no logic to it at all. There are plenty of natural plants that will kill and plenty of synthetic substances that will not. There's no foundation for this belief at all.

Almost all drugs are somewhat synthetic anyway. The only exception I'm aware of being good ol' Mary Jane, which we all know, has never killed anyone.

What's even worse is the people who think "legal" vs. "illegal" means something. I'm prescribed so many "synthetic" drugs on a daily basis just to function (mood stabilizers, antidepressants, benzos.) I have been since I was a kid. So when my mom criticized me for smoking weed, I told her it was much less dangerous, and she admitted I was right. Now she doesn't even care that I smoke.

Oh, and I'm about to have my third cup of coffee. I feckin' love caffeine.