the altered state of consciousness thread

We're both misanthropes. Being alone is preferable to me. This would simplify our arrangement by segregating us into separate rooms when not copulating.

I enjoy the extremes of music, be it the gayest of the gay or the most dissonant of the dissonant. Hence my submitting both Savage Garden and Xenakis.

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That's dumb, considering that it's a video on the show's official channel.

Anyway, it's a show about women who are getting married that are incredibly bitchy and demanding. They're ridiculous.
I'm drunk. I think it's been a month or two since last time.

Does anyone with a life still come to this forum? lol

Whatever. I'm in a good mood. It's nice to have a break from caring about routine everyday shit, and just be content to be an inert lump of meat on planet earth. Seems like I'm always busy, even when I'm having fun. I haven't truly found balance in life. I'm doing pretty well having kept this job for over a year now, but I still get the urge for an "altered state" once in a while. Maybe it's natural, or maybe it's a bad omen, time will tell. Ah, the ouroboros of introspection...
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I have not worked in a year, but could work part time. There's no win. I could make eggwichs,etc.. at dunkin donuts. Or sit in front of my TV and watch a woman stick a neti pot in her nose every 5 minutes.
So I've done copious amounts of coke the past month or two. I've never purchased it, but it makes for a really fun fucking night but holy-fucking-shit the diarrhea you get the next day or two after doing it is the fucking worst.

So yeah, I guess I'm a junkie now or something because I did quite enjoy it every time I've done it. Shit feels good.
I can't stand coke. I don't think it agrees with me. Makes me feel speedy/anxious for not very long and then it's time for more. Ehhhh.
yeah, coke is probably my most disliked drug(more so than even meth). The high is way too short and there was never enough. And when it ran out i'd turn into a fucking zombie that didn't wanna do anything but lay down in my room and just stare at the walls. Didn't wanna see anyone, talk to anyone, watch tv etc. It would leave me completely empty for a day or two. Haven't done it in years and and im almost sure that i will never touch that shit again. Uppers are fuckin' nasty.

Weed and alcohol are the only drugs i fuck with nowadays and that's something im trying to stop/cut down on too. fuck all that other bullshit.