the ALWIN thread

a dude has just bought new shoes. he gets in the bus but the bus is packed. then a old lady steps on his feet, so the lad shouts 'be careful, youve just stepped on €100'. so the old lady replies 'oh err theyre mine!'.
That's really shitty, I won't buy that, they could just go pecking on the tits. Nicely I mean.

Edit: I mean that shitty titty chicken joke, of course :mad:
A wig went into a bar and ordered a pint of lager. When the barman refused to serve him, the wig asks why.
"Because you're off your head."
"Russian jews are some of the best attackers in the world."
- interview headline in a Finnish newspaper

(original quote: "Rush an' Hughes are some of the best attackers in the world.")