The Amazing Spider-Man

Just saw this last night. Honestly... SUPER happy with how it turned out. There was definitely some issues with the pacing I felt a litte 'Awwww really?' about. Especially Peter telling Gwen he was spiderman.. You've known the girl like 2 weeks.. her dad is CAPTAIN MUTHAFUCKING STACEY and you think it's a great idea to tell her RIGHT NOW.... come on dude? So yeah. And Lizard's face was fucking horrendous. I get the idea behind it, make him more HUMAN in the sense that we can relate to him as a character tormented etc, the lizard snout would have been completely disconnecting (apparently that's how film makers see these things :S). I still think it looked odd instead of intimidating etc.

But overall, I'm so happy they rebooted it. Andrew Garfield also gets my 2 thumbs up. Reminds me of 90's Spidey! My favorite spidey ^_^
Just saw this last night. Honestly... SUPER happy with how it turned out. There was definitely some issues with the pacing I felt a litte 'Awwww really?' about. Especially Peter telling Gwen he was spiderman.. You've known the girl like 2 weeks.. her dad is CAPTAIN MUTHAFUCKING STACEY and you think it's a great idea to tell her RIGHT NOW.... come on dude? So yeah. And Lizard's face was fucking horrendous. I get the idea behind it, make him more HUMAN in the sense that we can relate to him as a character tormented etc, the lizard snout would have been completely disconnecting (apparently that's how film makers see these things :S). I still think it looked odd instead of intimidating etc.

But overall, I'm so happy they rebooted it. Andrew Garfield also gets my 2 thumbs up. Reminds me of 90's Spidey! My favorite spidey ^_^

I just saw it again last night, I totally agree on all points. Especially Garfield being much closer to the 90s Spidey I grew up on, as opposed to Raimi's 60's esque Spidey. As for him telling Gwen so early you could chalk it up to a rookie superhero mistake...

I hope if they put Lizard in a future one they give him the snout
I just saw this the other night. I can say that the movie title was not misleading. It was amazig.

Strangely i didn't see it odd that peter told gwen he was the spiderman. He had just turned into the spiderman and really trusted gwen. Plus he wanted to show off a bit.
Anyways i'm super happy they decited to reboot the spiderman.
I just saw this the other night. I can say that the movie title was not misleading. It was amazig.

Strangely i didn't see it odd that peter told gwen he was the spiderman. He had just turned into the spiderman and really trusted gwen. Plus he wanted to show off a bit.
Anyways i'm super happy they decited to reboot the spiderman.

Yeah, that's how I saw it. Plus, you could see that he was struggling with whether to tell her or not, she had to really pull it out of him.
Just came back home from seeing it, and it was fucking awesome.
I honestly didn't expect it to be that great.
Emma Stone looks a bit old in the movie, but meh. Not that much of a problem ;)

I'm still a bit unhappy with the snoutless lizard, but after seeing the movie I'm not sure if it would have even fitted.
Would have been too comic-y, if that makes sense.
It could have worked for the keeping-it-human part if the would have pictured him with snout, and then (SPOILER)
at the part when the release the antidode it turns him into the face they head throughout the whole movie.

Could have worked too. Overall it's cool, maybe too much of a risk to destroy the otherwise pretty realistic setting, with the stunts looking much more real than the other movies.
Awesome fight scene too at the end.
And I loved how they made spidey big mouthed again haha
Also really good acting on Garfields part!

As you guys said, the pacing felt a bit off, but imagining beeing a 17year old I can relate that he might want to tell it in that situation, so that's cool too.

Overall I think it has the same vibe as Nolans Batman movies, comic to film transition- and stylewise.
Just came back home from seeing it, and it was fucking awesome.
I honestly didn't expect it to be that great.
Emma Stone looks a bit old in the movie, but meh. Not that much of a problem ;)

I'm still a bit unhappy with the snoutless lizard, but after seeing the movie I'm not sure if it would have even fitted.
Would have been too comic-y, if that makes sense.
It could have worked for the keeping-it-human part if the would have pictured him with snout, and then (SPOILER)
at the part when the release the antidode it turns him into the face they head throughout the whole movie.

Could have worked too. Overall it's cool, maybe too much of a risk to destroy the otherwise pretty realistic setting, with the stunts looking much more real than the other movies.
Awesome fight scene too at the end.
And I loved how they made spidey big mouthed again haha
Also really good acting on Garfields part!

As you guys said, the pacing felt a bit off, but imagining beeing a 17year old I can relate that he might want to tell it in that situation, so that's cool too.

Overall I think it has the same vibe as Nolans Batman movies, comic to film transition- and stylewise.

Yeah I agree on all counts... I think the problem with giving the Lizard the snout would be the fact that he talks as the lizard... I think that would look really dumb with his snout just flapping up and down... he's a hard character to portray realistically... They did the same thing with Venom in number 3, rather than just the big separated mouth that flapped up and down in the cartoon and comics, they tried to give him a working mouth and it just looked really really weird, like Jack Skellington