The Art of Shredding!!!!


I spilt beer on jesus
Aug 12, 2008
I love shred and i've always wanted to be able to do it but..... I was wondering if someone had any websites that go in depth with theroy and technique
Probably the easiest form of shredding is tapping, it sounds awesome, not that hard to do and it's fun.

Here are some tapping patterns.

12 8 5 12 8 5 12 8 5 12 8 5 12 8 5 12 8 5 12 8 5

12 8 5 8 12 8 5 8 12 8 5 8 12 8 5 8 12 8 5 8 12 8 5 8

12 8 5 10 8 5 12 8 5 10 8 5 12 8 5 10 8 5 12 8 5 10 8 5

22 12 21 11 20 10 22 12 21 11 20 10 22 12 21 11 20 10

12 14 16 18 16 14 12 14 16 18 16 14 12 14 16 18 16 14

You probably new this but whatever hope it helps.
I'm looking for websites with tips or lessons... like sweep excercises and alnternate picking...

Lessons in both lead and rhythm techniques in the form of tabs, as well as articles on gear, guitar customizing, playing discipline and music ethics, and even some notes on the music industry as a whole. Some very interesting articles and rather helpful excersizes. They are also affiliated with many artist/bands, other shred pages, gear pages, tabulature sites, and websites devoted to building your own guitar, even.

You're bound to find piles of stuff you want to read in this site. Enjoy!
There really isnt any substitution for hours and hours of practice. A common mistake many people do when the practice riffs is to start off playing them fast. You want to start working on your chops slowly and making sure that you're hitting every note completely right on timing and fingering, you want it to sound perfect. If you dont have a good base for your riffing and you play your riffs sloppy when you play them slow your fast playing is going to sound like ass.

Learn a number of different styles of riffs that your not familiar with, scales are very important to learn, then move on to your modes. If you want something easy to start with just start playing the circle of fifths (google it).
I seriously used to practice hardcore but I haven't for years. I went downhill about 6 years ago & cut way back on practice, now I got a computer about 2 years ago & I play much less, maybe 4-5 hours of compltetly unfocused practice a week.

One thing you can do to help get shit out of your way is to cancel your internet for a few months & practice. You just need to practice hours & hours & hours & hours & hours & hours & hours. Don't stop. It's going to take years of dedicated practice & discipline to play Friedman & Malmsteen solos. Some people pick it up more naturally than others.
the point is that those guys are fucking ace and you could never sound like them.
I think the point is stupid, though.
The guy on the bottom video plays like a bassist. He has the right shaped fingers for it, similar to mine and gR's, and when we play guitar, we use similar left-hand positions.

Crazy inter-finger reach, which is another reason to think he played bass earlier in his career.
The guy on the bottom video plays like a bassist. He has the right shaped fingers for it, similar to mine and gR's, and when we play guitar, we use similar left-hand positions.

Crazy inter-finger reach, which is another reason to think he played bass earlier in his career.

He is Guthrie Govan. Do a search on him & grab his album "Erotic Cakes". It's a golden Fusion/Rock Instrumental guitar album if ever there was one. The guy has become a legend in a short amount of time.