The Avengers

the story and actors (what I've seen in the trailers, and their track record ie. Tom Hardy [Bronson, The Take, WArror], marion cottilard, anne hathaway) appears to be pretty good, as far as what I know.

They are continuing what left off at the end of The Dark Knight and wrapping up the story with this Count of Monte Cristo effect along with other things. It really does seem pretty solid storywise. I don't think there will be a dull part in the movie, every scene will be tasteful due to the variety of good actors and sub plots between them all.
You sound like a doubter...Christopher Nolan has a good track all the movies he's done. Then look at Joss Whedon. I understand your statement, and it's very true when applied to most movies...and it does appear[/] a bit silly. But I have faith in Nolan, call me a fanboy. That's like calling an anticipating Nevermore fan a fanboy waiting for the followup to 'Dead Heart in a Dead Word.' Yeah, he may be a fanboy but chances's going to be good. Avengers to me imo, wasn't anything spectacular. It was alright, but I got bored with quite a bit of it. Predictable superhero movie...badass (The Hulk was killer) but it wasn't anything we haven't seen before.
If I said Avengers > The Dark Knight Rises ... people wouldn't have a problem with it. How about we compare Twilight with Herzog's 'Nosferau.' Two very different types of movies with one thing in common...a vampire. Most if not everyone on here would say Nosferatu is better...but I guess they can't because they're two different movies.
If I said Avengers > The Dark Knight Rises ... people wouldn't have a problem with it. How about we compare Twilight with Herzog's 'Nosferau.' Two very different types of movies with one thing in common...a vampire. Most if not everyone on here would say Nosferatu is better...but I guess they can't because they're two different movies.

no I pretty much would have said the same thing, that being that you hadn't seen one of them and that you can't really compare the two :)
All I know is I'm looking forward to seeing how far Bane will go in breaking the bat. This is what everyone should be talking about.
I love ice cream. I also love hamburgers. Not at the same time. Or in the same way. But equally. These 2 movies are so different, comparing them makes no logical sense.