The Bad, The Mad and the fucking Stupid


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
I meant to make a post about this the other day, but did anyone watch the 'Australian Idol' special on all the morons who didn't get picked to go on the show? I don't think I've ever seen such a bunch of pathetic losers, sooks and bad sports in a long time. I've interviewed and reviewed hundreds of bands over the years and not even when I've been talking to Jon Schaffer have I experienced the amount of dummy-spitting and sore loserism that I saw on this show. I'm glad I wasn't a judge or I would have punched some of them. Obviously some of the people who went to the auditions were just there to goof off and have a day off work, but some were fairdinkum and I can't fathom how they could imagine they were going to get through. Zero talent nothings trying to argue with experienced members of the music industry as to how great they are when they don't have the talent to sing in the shower never mind on a professional level. I mean, seriously. That fat chick who auditioned twice and still didn't make it, then stood there taking them to task over how they wouldn't pick her. What a stupid cow. Here we have Marcia Hines, one of the country's biggest-ever recording stars, Mark Holden, a record producer and songwriter who's had songs recorded by people like Meatloaf, Joe Cocker and Gladys Knight, and Ian Dickson, the marketing manager of the world's second largest record company, and she's telling them they don't know talent! Well, maybe they don't, but I tell you what they do know: no talents like her! You know what's good about it though. Some of these dropkicks will actually go home and have a good hard look at themselves and stop listening to all the idiots around them who tell them they're talented when they so clearly aren't.
The marketing guy is a hack and sells product, he knows nothing about music and shouldnt be there, the other 2 have credentials to be judges though.

I was just talking to Spiffy about this last night actually, its amazing that some people honestly think they have a good shot at it and they looks o heartbroken when they find out they really arent very good. Its sad, but their friends should have told them before letting them go and do something like that.
The marketing guy has to sell a product -- music -- to an audience of millions. So he has to know his product and whether or not it is marketable. And he knows his stuff. I've agreed with virtually everything he's said.
spawn said:
Its sad, but their friends should have told them before letting them go and do something like that.

This is so true! Entertaining someone's fantasy about being a pop singer is fine when they're doing karaoke in a bar somewhere and it doesn't matter, but letting them go make fools of themselves on national TV is not what a real friend would do. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people have contemplated suicide after this. They should have been told by someone who loves them that they were, quite simply, kidding themselves. Like that guy that did that awful Elvis thing. Who told him he could do that?
The looks on their faces when they hear what the judges say is awful, its very sad, its like when you find out Santa Claus isnt real and that everyone has been lying to you all that time, but a million times worse... Their friends/parents ought to be ashamed of themselves for letting them go and do it.
Which one's the marketing guy, and which one's the producer? I'd like to knee them both in the balls actually.
The marketing guy is the grey haired guy who sits on the right and plays the "bad guy" :)
I totally agree spawny. I've sung in competitions now and then and done ok, but no way would I fool myself into thinking I was good enough for that show. You just have to take a look at the people who made it through. Most of them are already singing professionally in some capacity, or have at least had some experience or training. How did any of the pretenders think they could compete with them?
Ah yeah, I thought it was that knob. K1 and K2....Marcia's alright.

I know what ya mean, Brian. It's the same thing with those beauty contest shows that follow a similar concept. You get some real shockers on those shows who haven't got a hope in hell, but still end up crying that they don't make it through.
I really dont know, I didnt watch the whole thing, I only saw a tiny bit, and I watched the audition day thing they had at the start, it was excruciating watching some of those people embarrass themselves though, it was sad :(
I was thinking of auditioning next year, until I watched on Tuesday and saw some of the people who were considered awful were actually better than me. :)
DravenMist said:
How AWFUL was that girl with the buck teeth who did that stupid copycat that whats her face singer...Do you know the lady I'm talking about...

The Dicko fella was PISSING himself straight away...and Marcia was hitting him across the head, to shut up, but then she had an outburst!!!!!

"I'm sorry... (laughs) That's the most unusual voice I've ever heard!"

Talk about understating the point.
DravenMist said:
I would've loved to go on there, just to piss them off...and growl out a Deicide song or something like that, and headbang too.

"Kill the christian, kill the christian
Kill the christian, kill the christian
Kill the christian, kill the christian
Kill the christian"


actually, something similar to this happend! this guy with a septum peircing and insane clown posse t-shirt got up and did some weird hella rap-scream thing and all the judges had to say was, we're looking for the australian idol, not the australian devil! or something...
Yeah, but that guy had no idea, he was a moron.

I think it would have been cool to see a metal head who can really f'n sing go in there and blow them all away, because it would be really awkward for them trying to reject him, when he isn't what they want, but is clearly an awesome singer.
The only one I was ever remotely interested in following the success of was that Anthony know...."Dad, say you're proud of me..".

Then the freakin' idiot shat in his nest and got turfed off breach of contract.

Now he's home under sedation.
Even if you had a great voice and you sang a metal song, they would have said "It's my job to try and sell you to the Australian people and I don't think you're what they're looking for".