Stupid Americans

Mark said:
Thing is, salty, for many kids in the US joinging the army is the only way they can afford to study. Hell, for a lot of them is it's either army, shitty no-life jobs, or jail. So it's not surprising many of them go into the army, just so they can get out of their shitty, no-life towns.
Has anyone here seen "Farenheit 9/11" when this subject is discussed: a social worker in Flint, Michigan, one of the poorest cities in America, goes around suggesting to kids that they sign up. Even her own son did, which she's happy about because she surmises that he'll get a chance to travel and develop skills he'll never learn in Flint. Later on in the film, her son's been killed in Iraq after only being there for a month or something. He wasn't even in combat at the time. So much for learning and travel.
Brian, when in the film did she suggest that children join the army (or, in the film, go around to kids suggesting they join?).

Thing is, all the time Moore filmed her, her son was already dead; they just kept that snippet until later, for heightened impact.
I wouldnt believe anything Michael Moore said anymore than I would believe what a diehard Bush supporter told me.
Come on, Michael Moore and balanced dont even belong in the same sentence.

Oh now look what you made me do :)
I have no problem with him. He's an entertaining film maker with something to say. He's no worse than many conservatives, like Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, but strangely you don't hear as much about them because it's easier to make Moore a public whipping boy because he's so popular.
Mark said:
Brian, when in the film did she suggest that children join the army (or, in the film, go around to kids suggesting they join?).

Thing is, all the time Moore filmed her, her son was already dead; they just kept that snippet until later, for heightened impact.
Of course, it was manipulative cinema. It's been a while since I've seen it. I don't actually recall her going around getting kids to join up, but I do remember her saying that the army was a good career move. I enjoy Moore's films, but his books are actually better and you can trace his references more easily.

If you want an example of an American who blindly follows anything they hear, check this out:,5779.0.html

If the link doesn't work, it's someone suggesting we stop sending money to Sri Lanka because she heard on a late night talk show that the Sri Lankas had knocked back a medical team from Israel.
Another BB I post on is very right wing, and were going on and on about the Sri Lanka/Israel thing.

Right wing press don't post the true picture (well neither does the left wing), so these people start going of about anti-semtism, when in fact it was that the aid consisted of military forces, not doctors, nurses etc.