The best fucking read I've had in ages...


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
While shopping in Melbourne Xena and I picked up this book called Bang Your Head: The Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal. I'm not even 1/8 of the way through it yet and already there's some fucking classic quotes:

'For their stage shows, Van Halen stole lights from apartment complexes. They also made their own flash pots by putting gunpowder in coffee cans that were hooked up to car batteries. Sometimes they would malfunction, and in one quick whoosh!, someone would lose his eyebrows.'

'Barry Levine once walked into [Gene] Simmons' hotel room and saw thirteen women lined up outside the bathroom, including a pregnant girl and twins, waiting to have sex with him inside. "It was almost like they had tickets and they were waiting for their number to be called, like at a deli."'

'Miss Christine introduced the Alice Cooper band to [Frank] Zappa, who told them to come by this house the next day at seven o'clock. The band arrived at 7AM the following morning and started jamming in Zappa's basement. He came down the stairs in his underwear, groggy and confused, with a mug of coffee in his hand. "I meant 7 at night!" he told them.'

'One night when [Ritchie] Blackmore went into a 17-minute guitar solo, [Ian] Gillan sneaked a groupie underneath Jon Lord's Hammond organ and had sex with time to spare. "Thank God for the long solo," he said years after the event. To this day he doesn't know the girl's name, stating "We weren't properly introduced"'.
No. It was at Angus and Robertson's at Highpoint. It's excellent.

Here's more:

'With record and ticket sales declining in the States, Kiss headed to Australia, where they did a number of sold-out stadium shows. The tour was backed by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and all the newspapers he owned covered it. When the band landed at the airport, the runway was closed down and no other planes were allowed to land. Nine limos, a 727 jet and a helicopter were on call for the tour. "There was very little the band didn't have at their disposal," says [Bill] Aucoin. "This was the first time that they effectively took over a country!"'
Cool! I wanna get that book! The Kiss quotes are great, especially the Gene one hahahah!

I've heard the Alice story before on Prime Cuts!
Yeah but it's a good story. Here's one about Ozzy:

'When Rhoads arrived [for his audition], Osbourne was stoned out of his mind. Rhoads barely had a chance to set up and play before Osbourne told him he had the gig. The next day, Osbourne told a friend he had dreamed that he hired a guitar player. His friend told him he really had hired a guitar player. "Oh,God, what have I done?" said Osbourne. "I hope he can play"'
Sounds great Goreripper , Who published it and wrote or complied it ........
Actully reading :"The Beast" Paul Dianno Bio at the moment not gripping stuff but was/ still is a launtic .......
$30. It's by David Konow.

And I just got to the part about Randy Rhoads.

'Rhoads' dream had been to play Madison Square Garden. He was killed two weeks before the show.'
Interesting thing about Randy. I once read a quote from him that went something like "I went to the audition and there were all these guys wheeling in huge marshall stacks. I walked in with my tiny little practice amp and starting tuning up, and Ozzy said 'you're hired'".

I like Randy's version of the story better! ;)
JonBonJovi said:
Another great read is Walk This Way the Aerosmith Autobiography.It has exerts of their story told by anyone who had anything significant to do with them in there entire history.

Yeah I have that not a bad read that is quite enjoyable ............