The Ballad of Roland D.O.G - Guestsolo wanted (ShreddyMarz, what´s up)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
It´s finished!! :D

James did an awesome job with the mastering. Feel free to listen to the finished song here:

The Ballad of Roland D.O.G (mastered by James Stephenson)

Cheers :kickass:

Thanks to Oliver (Azistenostora) for playing this awesome lead solo, and thanks to Analgrinder333 for doing the reamping :) I appreciate it a fucking lot, brothers!

Hey mates, I still need a decent guest solo for this song :) Here is an update of the track:

Here´s the lyrics btw. It´s about Roland (Dark Tower content) entering our world called "Earth" (It looks so blue) the first time. He´s in mission there and is doing some really baaad thiiings :)

The Ballad of Roland D.O.G

I have never been to this place - it looks so blue
I have never been into this world - as it just has moved

I am sitting in a beast called plane - where will it end?
Looking out of the windows - with eyes of the damned.

I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I kill - if I must kill - but be sure - don´t fuck with me

I see buildings that reach the sky - stroking the clouds
I see yellow monsters moving around - a queerly sound

living in the city - at the pulse of dawn
between million people - I pull my gun!


I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I kill - if I must kill - but be sure - don´t fuck with me

I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I die - I would die for!

Dudes..I´m drunken ;) So just let me know, if you like what you hear. It´s about the last Machines & Madness song I record, before I roll on the Myspace.

Criticque, advise and suggestions about the mix and performance is very welcoem for sure!! Let me know whatr ya think (especialy vocals)...and Shreddy, I promised a spot for the next MM song. Feel free to wank along the part beginning at 1:57.

The mix is pretty rough let me know tipps for improvement.

Cheers :kickass:

I think the vocals are excellent! You have a very good voice.

As of the mix - the guitars are a bit loud and the whole mix sounds a bit dry. Couldn't find anything else.

I really liked the song. Has a nice straightforward feel to it.
Damn Felix. Just...damn. :) This is fantastic! I agree with what Decimator said, but...damn...this sounds good. That's a tricky solo section, at least for me it would be. I'd give it a shot anyway, but I've recently rebuilt my computer and don't have anything set up at the time. Curious to hear if anyone comes up with something for it.
I think the vocals are excellent! You have a very good voice.

As of the mix - the guitars are a bit loud and the whole mix sounds a bit dry. Couldn't find anything else.

I really liked the song. Has a nice straightforward feel to it.

Thank you very much, dude! Yeah, I´m sure there are some things to improve yet. Good word on the drums -could use some more reverb for sure.

but why is it so shoooooooooooort?? hahaha

Yeah Mago, I consider bringing the chorus once more, but I´m not sure. I think it´s working pretty good with that lenght. And´s not randomly I sound a bit more pissed than usual :devil:

Damn Felix. Just...damn. This is fantastic! I agree with what Decimator said, but...damn...this sounds good. That's a tricky solo section, at least for me it would be. I'd give it a shot anyway, but I've recently rebuilt my computer and don't have anything set up at the time. Curious to hear if anyone comes up with something for it.

Thanks a ton, grywolf :kickass: Someone told me..(I think, good ol´tastic) that you are a very good guitarist! I promised Shreddymarz (when he´s able to) join this time. I´m very corious about what I´ll hear for sure :)
That's funny, I thought of acoustic/clean guitars when I saw the word 'ballad'. Much to my surprise it was a rocking tune. :D What kind of amp is it?
It´s a Dual Rectifier and I used a LTD fx360 with 81´s for the DI tracks. Mikael (Analgrinder333) reamped it. Haha yeah..the lyrics are weird already, so I thought of makin´some more confusion with the title :D Let me know, if you find something to improve. Nothing is set in stone yet.
Felix bro!

Sounds fantastic ... I love the extra attitude you have in your vocals this time around. Overall sound of the mix is really nice

I'm really looking forward to Jesse's solo

Now ... we need a fast song out of you for this project! :devil:
Felix bro!

Sounds fantastic ... I love the extra attitude you have in your vocals this time around. Overall sound of the mix is really nice

I'm really looking forward to Jesse's solo

Now ... we need a fast song out of you for this project! :devil:

Thank you, Carlos :) It´s good to hear that. Next version/mix will be better, cause I recorded some 3. harmonic voices, added some more reverb on drums and vocals and the spot will be filled with a solo then.

Haha I consider writing a fast acoustic ballad with 210.05 bpm :lol: