The Ballad of Roland D.O.G - Guestsolo wanted (ShreddyMarz, what´s up)

Hey Felix, nice song! Reminds me of Green Carnation!

I really love those guitars and your vocals! I think it would be great with some keyboards to add some color to the song.
dude with thick juicy gained guitars this shit would be ace

awesome voice brother, you just have "it". great listen
Hey Felix, I like the vibe of the song, and I like the lower gained guitars, it's just what the song needs. It somehow reminds me of Meatloaf (in a good way of course)! Keep the good work up! (und gratuliere mit den Sieg auf Agentiniën ;) )
MOAR harmonies felix :D
I think there should be a bit more going on with the vocals, else it tends to get a bit monotone/linear.
Thanks so much to ya all, mates :kickass:

It´s interesting how the "amount of gain" thingy is polarizing that much. Each one prefers a certain amount, it seems. For example I love the gain amount on SOAD - it´s perfect imo. But take AC/DC..on the last records, there used too less gain = nearly clean (on some songs) and I didn´t like it.

awesome voice brother, you just have "it". great listen

Thanks for that kind compliment, bro. Glad, you think so :)

MOAR harmonies felix
I think there should be a bit more going on with the vocals, else it tends to get a bit monotone/linear.

Haha yes, there is still much room for harmonys. I´ll see what I can do about it, Mago.

(und gratuliere mit den Sieg auf Agentiniën )

Fuck yeah!!! :D Thanks for your words, Forceps.
Wasn't shreddy supposed to do one? (edit: yeah, stupid question...I should read the whole title of the post next time ;))

I would volunteer but my hand still isn't 100% ok, and besides it will be boring to have a solo on every single song...haha :)
Wasn't shreddy supposed to do one? (edit: yeah, stupid question...I should read the whole title of the post next time ;))

I would volunteer but my hand still isn't 100% ok, and besides it will be boring to have a solo on every single song...haha :)

What?! :yow: Dude, is this still the injuring from the last MM guest solo?

Haha I dunno..Shreddy, what´s up - Still interested?
What?! :yow: Dude, is this still the injuring from the last MM guest solo?

Yes. Well, it was around that time when the problem started but it wasn't just because of the solo. For quite some time before that I was putting a lot of time in to some intense practicing and I guess when I recorded the solo my hand finally gave up :). It's not anything really serious, no pain or anything, but it needs time.
Yes. Well, it was around that time when the problem started but it wasn't just because of the solo. For quite some time before that I was putting a lot of time in to some intense practicing and I guess when I recorded the solo my hand finally gave up :). It's not anything really serious, no pain or anything, but it needs time.

Oh man! I think, it´s a pretty hard time being not able to play solo stuff. I wish you a perfect recovery. The last solo you did, was insane..really outstanding. So far your presence is on each MM a red thread.
I really wish I had more free time at the moment ... I would love to take a crack at a solo for you. I'm just too busy for the next few weeks ... mixing, editing & learning like 6 new tunes for the cover band

JESSE ... get on this!
Here´s the lyrics btw. To explain it short´n rough..It´s about Roland entering our world called "Earth" (It looks so blue) the first time. He´s in mission there and is doing some really baaad thiiings ;)

The Ballad of Roland D.O.G

I have never been to this place - it looks so blue
I have never been into this world - as it just has moved

I am sitting in a beast called plane - where will it end?
Looking out of the windows - with eyes of the damned.

I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I kill - if I must kill - but be sure - don´t fuck with me

I see buildings that reach the sky - stroking the clouds
I see yellow monsters moving around - a queerly sound

living in the city - at the pulse of dawn
between million people - I pull my gun!


I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I kill - if I must kill - but be sure - don´t fuck with me

I go - where I wanna go - I leave when I wanna leave
I die - I would die for!
Can do a solo this evening.

Yeah dude, feel free to try some licks :) It´s the part beginning 1:57.

I really wish I had more free time at the moment ... I would love to take a crack at a solo for you. I'm just too busy for the next few weeks ... mixing, editing & learning like 6 new tunes for the cover band

JESSE ... get on this!

Yeah Carlos...we should do a clean solo on this song!!! :D Joking!

Total hear ya, dude..I still hope, Jesse will give it a try. I wanna finish it beginning of August.