The Ballad of Roland D.O.G - Guestsolo wanted (ShreddyMarz, what´s up)

EDIT: Ooops! Now I don't know who you were asking about the delay :p

Meant to ask both of you guys, should have worded that more clearly! :cool:

Can't believe you can just feel solos out like that though, I have the opposite problem in being awfully reliant on scales all the time.

@ Felix, awesome, look forward to hearing it!
Do it, my friend. I´m totally sure on youtube you´ll find a cool learning video or anything. This is even 1000 times more important than lydian or locrian and all this stuff. This is goddamn BLUES, man. I also recommend checking out Steve Ray Vaughn, fucking love his licks. Very inspiring.

+1 to SRV! The whole reason I bought a Strat in the first place. I haven't tried playing along to this, so maybe I'm wrong...but the solo section just doesn't sound like strictly one chord/key/mode to me Felix...? But like I said, I haven't tried it. But now I'm even more curious about it. :D I'll see if I can find some time (no promises though) to noodle around with it...though I have a hard time staying in strictly pentatonic/flatted 5th stuff.
It´s no problem wanking along this chords. Normal tuning - F minor - blues scale

After reading this and a bit of google research *hust hust* I gave it a try, I like bluesy stuff although the tune is a bit too fast so its more of a rock thing...anyway, now knowing which scale to use (never played in that one before I think) I came up with something. painful it was. fucking .11 strings on my epiphone :lol::lol::lol:
attention, no shred inlcuded^^
Awesome, brothers! :)

@Decimator, very cool blues licks and nice technique. Sounds really good and you brought it to a nice final.

@padr81, haha the shredding at the beginning..crazy shit, man! Cool stuff. Kudos for ya.

@Mago!! You said, you cannot play leads...(Du Tiefstapler haha) The solo is great, diggin the harmonics and how you let it end.

I'll give it a crack.

Yeah, looking forward to it, NSGUITAR :)
Nice soli mates!

@Mago!! You said, you cannot play leads...(Du Tiefstapler haha) The solo is great, diggin the harmonics and how you let it end.

Thanks Felix, but I've got no solid bending and vibrato, which I consider the basics of leadguitarplaying..therefor I have to say I suck at it, especially compared to the other skillers around here, and also compared to our leadguitarplayer ;)
I play guitar since I can remember, I should be better at it^^
also after 8 years of classical guitar I should know some scales :lol:
but its fun non the less, and I'm happy with playing ZZTop so who cares :D
it also took me hours to come up with that short solo, If I'd be a leadguitarist I should jam such things out like nothing xD
Damn I finished whole songs in that time haha
Dude, Felix ...

I'm not gonna even bother trying to do a solo for this ... there is no point in trying. If you can't pick out the perfect one between Marco's and Decimator's ... well, NO solo will ever be good enough ;)

Guys, those fucking solos were GREAT:worship:
I will post my lead solo tonight :D There is one alternate picking lick, I´m desperate about..bahh!!! @Mago I see potential, get you the "Rock Guitar Secrets" book, I think you might have a good base working with that one.