The battle for Falluja begins


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
and hopefully they level the place...Including mosques or anything that gets in the way..I don't necessarily agree with the war but since we are already there and there is no turning back. I want our troops to do what they have too to win this..On a side note my cousin just got promoted to First Sergeant and will be on his way back to Iraq shortly. Please pray for him and hope for his safe return.
Alot of people think I am full of hot air , maybe pizza-haha, but I have family there. My cousins husband Arnie is there for a second time and she just had her second child. I obviously am worried for them but at the same time it has to happen. Something else about this shit hole. They had their chance for peace. We had them surrounded and the towns main Cleric negoitiated a peaceful disarmament. We wanted peace in that region. As soon as we left the people of the town rose up and protested us leaving and not finishing the job. Sound familiar? So here we are again, same place, Same time, Same channel and it's finally on. Maybe we should cut their fucking heads off see how they like it. but the operative word here should be RUTHLESSNESS.
I hope they turn it into a parking lot. Then we can build a walmart next to it.
I agree Billy, we need to come down with our hammer and show these assholes that they will never win...WE DO NEED TO BE RUTHLESS, because we need to show that what they do, pales in comparison to what we are capable of.

I have 2 friends and one family member over there. My cousin is in special forces and had alot to do with the "shock and awe" campaign. This will be his second tour also. He has also served in the first persian gulf war. Although I am worried for him, I know how badass he is so I am sure he will do well. He is a definite military "lifer" he thrives on this type of shit so he know's what he is getting himself into. As for my 2 friends, I am very worried for them because they are fairly new to the military and I just hope that they were trained well.
Personally, if it was me, it would be daisy cutters all day and all night long

until that shit hole looks like this


then you dont have to worry about soldiers getting killed, because they would be on the out skirts killing the fucks as they try to escape..............

Its a good thing its not me doing this shit...............some liberal would probley try to kill my ass.................
Unfortunently every man woman and child currently in Falluja needs to be wiped out, no quarter given.
THose that arent fighting active or passive are raising the next wave of fanatics against freedom and for subjegation of their religeon of peace.
old school headbanger said:
Personally, if it was me, it would be daisy cutters all day and all night long

until that shit hole looks like this


then you dont have to worry about soldiers getting killed, because they would be on the out skirts killing the fucks as they try to escape..............

Its a good thing its not me doing this shit...............some liberal would probley try to kill my ass.................
Well this liberal won't try to kill ya Old School!!! Hey, this is something that needs to be done otherwise we will never be able to leave that sandbox...LIke BIlly said we have been more than tolerant and nice to that asswipe Zarqawi or whatever his name is, now we just have to be ruthless with all of them.....Maybe it does get cold in hell because I am sure you never thought you would hear a liberal say that.:grin:
Oh I know, and I will be the first to admit it.. I just have more liberal leanings so I can't really call myself a republican...Oh and so you guys know, I did vote republican on some of my local elections so I don't HATE republicans...I am just unimpressed with Bush is all.
fuck yea, im with old school...level that fucking place. Hell, drop a few on mecca while we are at it....but when its all a little plane over the smoking rubble and drop arrafats dead fuckin body on the top.
The_0strich said:
fuck yea, im with old school...level that fucking place. Hell, drop a few on mecca while we are at it....but when its all a little plane over the smoking rubble and drop arrafats dead fuckin body on the top.
that would be fucking awsome..................................