The Beautiful Shlomit

Ramses II

Jul 19, 2005
Chatillon / France
I like very much the beautiful voice & smile ( picture of the recording of Mabool ) of Shlomit.:loco: :Spin:
Please what are the news & projects about Shlomit ?
and what is the translation of Shlomit ?
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
Shlomit is unique indeed, both as an individual and as a musical talent.
Her name is like "Shalom" = Peace - so Shlomit is a variation of 'peace' in hebrew

Hello Yossi

Thanx for your answer & translation
Hey, Yossi I like your vision of the life in your personal ranting

Shalom :cool:
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
I know shlomit has some unofficial gigs from time to time, especially in her home town with some local players. as far as I know she's not performing in any other official band. She's working hard on her MA studies finish-line :)

OK thanx you Yossi & good luck to Shlomit :wave:
I like very much the beautiful voice & smile ( picture of the recording of Mabool ) of Shlomit.
Please what are the news & projects about Shlomit ?
and what is the translation of Shlomit ?

