The Best Birthday Present Ever!!!!!


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Woohoo how excited am I. It's my birthday on 17th September and yesterday got an email from my second favourite band on the planet (eh that would be BUDGIE) and guess what, yes indeed they are playing THE RENFREW FERRY on my birthday. Awesome news - two great excuses to get well wrecked. I'm telling you something, I don't know if any of you are still into Budgie or have even heard them but I swear catch them in September cos these guys are rocking like there's no tomorrow. That gig last year at The Ferry was my 2nd favourite gig ever!!!! Budgie are just simply phenomenal and if you haven't heard them try downloading Guts, Panzer Division Destroyed, Homicidal Suicidal or Napoleon Bonaparte - tremendous songs, if you love your Saxon, I'm pretty sure you'll love the mighty Budgie.

Anyhooo here's the dates for Budgie gigs:-

Your Royal Highness - I have to admit I know nothing about Budgie!! But judging by your opinion of them, I'm gonna have to check some Budgie-related stuff out on Web!

It has to be fate that makes them come to your home town on your Birthday, though! What a way to celebrate! It was like me this year - my final day at my old job was finished off with a Priest gig to celebrate the onset of my new job! Karma is bloody great!!
nightwar said:
Your Royal Highness - I have to admit I know nothing about Budgie!! But judging by your opinion of them, I'm gonna have to check some Budgie-related stuff out on Web!

I know you like your rock Nightwar so I'm sure you'll be right into Budgie. I saw them once at the Reading Festival years ago and they were superb, another twice as support band, once supporting Gillan and again supporting Tygers of Pan Tang but in that case it was really Budgie I went to see. Hadn't really listened to any of their stuff for years but got tickets to go see them last November. After listening to a few of their albums again I thought OMG this band still friggin rock bigtime. Honestly their concert in November was 2nd best concert of my life, they were so raw and powerful and loud and heavy - they rocked holy hell out of the Ferry. In fact, I'll probably get shot down in flames for saying this but as soon as Budgie finished, my friend turned round and said to me "what did you think of that then" to which I replied "They were ten times better than Saxon", cos we'd just seen Saxon about 3 weeks before!!!!! If they're playing near you, you should definitely go cos it's very cheap (cheep) for ticket only about £10 and it'll be the best ten pound you'll ever spend.

And I'm still in a state of shock that they're playing on my birthday cos I was just talking about Budgie at OPENHAND and saying to my pal they should be announcing tour dates soon, usually they play in November here, I nearly passed out when I saw it was Glasgow for the 17th Sep. Superb stuff!!!
Cool story, Your Royal Highness!

Well, Oxford is just down the road from me and, according to your info, Budgie will be playing at The Zodiac. Like you said, you can't go wrong with a tenner!
If I like what I hear and can get hold of some material, who knows!!!....
Thats cool princess!
If i saw a band i like on my birthday i may never live to tell the tale!! or at least and less dramatically, remember it!!

Did Budgie do the song "Breadfan" ? now that song has a Riff!!!! Wicked
valanx said:
Did Budgie do the song "Breadfan" ? now that song has a Riff!!!! Wicked

Yes Valanx Breadfan is a Budgie song and an awesome one as well. Especially brill live. I still prefer Guts or Panzer Division Destroyed, Power Supply and Napoleon - but like Saxon every song is rockin.

Still shocked that I'll be seeing them on my birthday, it's going to be superb, I'll get totally out of it like I usually do at concerts but I've always been fortunate enough to remember most of the concerts I've been to - with the exception of Thin Lizzy in February there, I can only remember about 15 minutes of that concert but it wasn't really my fault, the 2 friends I went with had been buying me doubles all night and I almost didn't even make it onto the train I felt that wrecked. But by the timeI got to Glasgow I had sobered up quite, the only thing was when we got there we missed the support band PLUS HALF AN HOUR OF THIN LIZZY!!!!!!! Couldn't believe it, we were all getting searched before going in and I thought I could hear Emerald starting up, my fav Lizzy song, and I said to the bouncer please tell me the band's not on stage already - and she said "Yes they've been on for half an hour. Gutted we were.

Oh and another time, I have no recollection of seeing IRON MAIDEN at Reading Fest, they were there and so was I but I'm afraid to say I was out the game and ended up unconscious in a phone box!!!!!!!! Still I managed to come round just in time for some Angel Witch - yeeeehaaaaa!. Thank God I didn't miss them.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I have no recollection of seeing IRON MAIDEN at Reading Fest, they were there and so was I but I'm afraid to say I was out the game and ended up unconscious in a phone box!!!!!!!! them.

Lmfao !!

I remember (well not really!) donnington '96. Found a nice place to fall asleep or was that pass out? same thing, anyway yeah, i fell asleep while ozzy was doing his thing (very badly as per!) i was awakened some time later by some fuckin huge helicopter hovering above, i guess that was when Kiss introduced themselves! Shame, it was one of those, you know when you are woken up and just cant get back to sleep!!! Ah well at least Kiss were much better than Ozzy!!
valanx said:
Lmfao !!

I remember (well not really!) donnington '96. Found a nice place to fall asleep or was that pass out? same thing, anyway yeah, i fell asleep while ozzy was doing his thing (very badly as per!) i was awakened some time later by some fuckin huge helicopter hovering above, i guess that was when Kiss introduced themselves!

LOL yeah these festivals are amazing, there's always a good few stories to tell your friends afterwards.

When I was at the Reading Fest, I was only about 13 or 14 and every time someone mentions Reading it always reminds me of when Krokus came on stage. I was and still am a big Krokus fan and had seen them twice before, so was well up for seeing them again. Anyhooo I was right at the front of the barrier and this guy manages to get over the barrier and right up on the stage. Next minute he's headbanging away as if his life depended on it and the band's not bothering about him, the crowd's going mental, really egging him on. Before you know it, he's on top of the roof the stage, boogying away and then starts stripping off. Now I'd never seen a guy naked before and I tell you something, I got a right eyeful that day. It was a total shock to my system!!!! He was totally naked within about 2 seconds running up and down the roof of the stage starkers. So everytime I listen to Krokus, that is what I think about. No wonder I love Krokus so much eh.
nightwar said:
I have identified a link within all these tales - the substance of alcohol!!!

Your perception serves you well my young padawan!