The best British Metal band


New Metal Member
Who do you think it is?

In my opinion, most people in the UK don't realise what gods reside here.
I'm talking of course about the untouchable Bal-Sagoth.
Their music represents a culmination of all that is great about metal.
Even former gods such as Maiden look pale and weedy in comparison.
The songs are brilliantly played and conceived with layers of sophistication and lush moods that transcends all before. Completely unique.

So why no public acclaim to follow? Is everyone deaf?
What's wrong with you lot then?
God, there are so many fantastic British bands, it's hard to choose... old classics like Sabbath, Maiden, Judas Priest, and of course there's My Dying Bride, Anathema, Paradise Lost, Napalm Death, Carcass, Godflesh, Anaal Nathrakh, Raging Speedhorn, Medulla Nocte... the list goes on and on! My favourite are probably Godflesh at the moment though. Although Reign Of Erebus are worth keeping an eye on.
Originally posted by Atticus
Even former gods such as Maiden look pale and weedy in comparison.

Former gods? Dude, who's deaf? ;) Maiden are still as relevant now as they were in any year you could care to name. They're still pumping the shit and the shit's still good! I figger they get my vote for the gods :heh:
Sorry blokes, im with Atticus on this one. Although im not currently living in the UK, i will be soon, that dosent mean i dont get into the UK metal scene. But yes, Bal Sagoth truly are the reiging Gods of British Metal id say.

I absolutly love the song 'Behold, the armies of war descend screaming from the heavens'.
Fantastic track :D
Originally posted by Some Brainless Idiot
My Dying Bride- Dying of sheer boredom me thinks, Like Gods of the Sun was great as was the % complete album but they seem to have become dreary again. Return to the Sabbat is the best thing to happen to British metal in a long time.

DREARY! You fucking dick, do you have a clue what you are talking about? How can you call The Dreadfull Hours Dreary? It has more variation and faster death parts than either Gods or 38%....It is truly a return to the form of Turn Loose The Swans, but I suppose you didn't like that either did you? Granted it's not as rocky as Gods, and it's all the better for it. But then they are a doom metal band or a doom/death band at least. Least they havn't done a Paradise Lost It and tried to become depeche mode.

As for Return to the Sabbat, I think there relevance to todays scene remains to be seen, all they've done is a few dates and they couldn't even do more than one festival appearence in their own country.

For the Bal-Sagoth fans, I have Starfire burning and Battle Magic and to be honest thought BM was a bit poor, too many annoying keyboards. How do the latter albums compare to BM?

I'm afraid I share the prevailing opinion on MDB. They just send me to sleep, sorry! I'd happily give away the one album I have of theirs as I find it interminably dull.
The other Bal-Sagoth albums are pretty much an extension of Battle Magic, maybe showing a little more sophistication with each one but I find that album spell-binding anyway...

I have been lurking around the UK metal scene for nigh on 15 years now, and I must confess, I never got that much out of UK thrash, always prefering their counterparts across the pond.
Hydra Vein,
etc, all a little dull and formulaic for my picky tastes.
Anathema lost the plot a little and started compromising their sound just too much.
Paradise Lost completely lost the plot and disappeared up their own arseholes.
Sabbat were better, but their first album sounds like one song played over and over again. Maybe a victim of crap production.
Acid Reign had some moments of brilliance - I still drag out their later albums occasionally and find them technically excellent and way ahead of their time
Skyclad don't really count, but I have loved much of thier output, though not all.
Umm can't remember any more right now.
To sum up I think that in Bal-Sagoth we have a truly world class band which is really saying something considering the incredibly high standards coming out of Scandanavia and much of Europe right now...
Mmmhhhh Uk metals bands, well ..... I guess that my current fave is Threshold.

I love Anathema, but AFD2E is not so good and even less metal than what they've done before.

MDB? No bad in places. Saw them with The Gathering in London in 2000 and was suprised just how much I liked em.

Dragonheart ooops DragonForce - just get in the studio and record that fuckin' album will you guys.

Shadowkeep - if you like 80s stuff like early Queensryche (like me), then they're OK. I'm keen to see what they've done for the new CD.

Paradise Lost - last album was dismal, as was 50% of the previous disk. Would like a return to the days of Icon/Draconian Times, but accept that its unlikely.

Halford - loved ressurrection and the accompanying tour.

Balance of Power - on disk sound a bit lightweight, but live, they might be up my street.

JP, Saxon, Maiden etc - I was a fan as a teenager (a long time ago), but their recent stuff doesn't grab me.

Not really a Nu or Necro fan, so there aint much more out there which grabs me ... at least that I'm aware of.
Thankyou Atticus you seem to have some knowledge of Uk metal bands and I shall check out Bal-Sagoth on your recommendation.

Mindmorgue, how can mdb return to form when they had no form to start with? I,d of thought the dreadful album would have been a better title, its people like you who hold back bands "oh no, its not turn loose the swans part 5 my bestest most favouritest band have progressed what am I to do, complain, thats it, until they go back to using their old moniker and churning out the same tired riffs"
NO FORM TO START WITH!!!?!??!?!?!?!?!

Are you deaf or just completly fucking stupid? :rolleyes:

Have they invented some sort of crayon interface to allow you to use the internet? As you clearly live in a mental institution somewhere and can't possibly be let loose with anything as complex as a computer. Do they pump soothing musak into your padded cell so you don't go nuts and start attacking the guards again?

Perhaps you should stop listening to the simplistic nu-metal shit you probably get off on and attempt to understand something a little more complicated like the bride, if your feeble little mind can cope with such a thing. You'd probably die of fright if you listened to I AM THE BLOODY EARTH.

It's people like me that hold bands back? Fuck you, I bet you like new paradise lost (it) you fucking wannabe depeche mode fan. Why has a band gotta go soft to progress then?

And I bet you've got short hair.




I'm glad at least SOMEONE else likes Anathema around here! Thanks Chazz ;) (but please be careful not to breathe 'nu' and. 'necro' in the same sentence <<shudders>>).

I'd even go so far as to say that I think AFD2E is brilliant! I don't give a shit if it's not metal. I'm certainly not going to TAKE ANY SHIT for listening to them or SAYING SO.

And if you think they're a POP BAND, you must have left your FUCKING MIND IN THE, oh wait, yeh, you did.

Oh no wait, I won't resort to pathetic ad hominem insults on the grounds of musical taste. No that seems to be YOUR unenviable speciality!